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Unit 4 Where is my car? 第一课时一我会选。1.A:_is my pencil box? B: Its under the desk. A. What B. Where C. Who2.A:Where is my ruler? B: _.A. Here you are. B .Its on your desk. C. Thanks.二、 我会做。(选择合适的方位词) on in under 1. A:Where is my jeep?B:Its _the chair.2. A:Where is the bike?B:Its _the desk.3. A:Where is the bus?B:Its _the box.第二课时一 将下列图片与相应的单词连线。 desk chair 二、火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词)。( )1.A.under B. in C. desk( )2.A.chair B. desk C. on( )3.A.on B. man C. under( )4.A.in B. chair C. on三看图,选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在( )内。 ( ) ( ) ( )A. The car is on the box. B. Look, the bus is in my bag.C. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, Its under the chair.第三课时一、 读一读,写一写。dogboxbody orange 第四课时一 情景选择。 ( )1.如果你找不到帽子了,你应该说:A. This is my cap. B. What is your cap?C. Where is my cap? ( )2.你想祝愿别人玩得开心,你会这样说:A. Have a good time! B. No, it isnt.二我会选。( )1.Mike: Where is my ball? Mom: _A. Here you are. B. Its under the chair.( )2. -Is it in your bag? -Yes, _A. it is. B. it isnt.第五课时一 英语汉语手拉手。ball 小汽车cap 帽子car 地图boat 球map 小船二、我会选。( )1.-Where is my boat? -_in your toy box.A. Its B. It ( )2. -Is it in your toy box? -No, _A. it is. B. it isnt. 第六课时二火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词)( )1.A.desk B. in C. chair( )2.A.car B. ball C. under( )3.A.boat B. on C. under( )4.A.cap B. in C. on三描述下列物品所在的位置,用上所学的方位词。 on under in1.The pencil box is_the desk.2.The ruler is _the book.3.The bag is _the desk.
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