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Unit 6 How many ? 第一课时一、选择正确的答案。 1.John :_ birds do you see? Wu Yifan :I see three. A. How B. How many C. What2.How many _do you see?A. kite B. cat C. kites二、英汉连线。1、Look at the kites! A、你看见多少风筝?2、How many kites do you see? B、看那些风筝!3、Wow, so beautiful! C、哇,真漂亮!4、The black one is a bird . D、黑色的那个是一只鸟。三、改变所给单词的一个字母,使其变成一个数词。1. too ( ) 2.night ( ) 3. nice ( ) 4.hen ( ) 5. sit ( ) 6. your ( ) 第二课时一、我会连。 二、根据图片选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Aeleven pandas B. thirteen cats C. fourteen dogs D. twelve cars E. fifteen birds三我会算。 1.nine+two=_ 2.eight+seven=_ 3.four+nine=_ 4. five+seven=_ 5.three+eleven=_ A. fifteen B.thirteen C.eleven D. fourteen E. twelve第三课时一、写出五个元音字母的大小写。 _二、填写下列单词所缺的字母。1.h_nd 2.l_gs 3. d_g 4. d_ck 三、英汉连一连. 1.five fingers A. 一张可爱的脸2. ten little toes B. 五个手指3. one cute face C. 一个大鼻子4. one big nose D. 十个小脚趾 第四课时一、读一读,连一连。1. 2. 3. 4. A.apple B.bird C.kite D.crayons 二、选择正确的答案。1. -How many cats do you see? -_A. I see 12. B. I have 13. 2、-How many _ do you have? -I see 14 .A. kite B. kites3、You _ 16 crayons. A. have B. has第五课时一、先计算,再连线。、 + A. sixteen 2、 + B.twenty 3、 + C.eighteen 4 、 + D.seventeen 5、 + E.nineteen 二、读一读,选择最佳答句。( ) 1. How many pencils do you have? A.Great!( ) 2. Lets fly a kite. B.Thank you.( ) 3. How many bags do you see? C.I have fifteen.( ) 4. Whats this ? D.I see twelve.( ) 5. How beautiful! E.Its a crayon. 第六课时一、找出每组单词中不同类的一个。( ) 1. A. fifteen B. cat C. bird ( ) 2. A. sixteen B. big C. twenty ( ) 3. A. short B. seventeen C. eleven ( ) 4. A. father B .mother C. eighteen二、看数字或算式,比大小,填写,或。 1. sixteen_twenty 2.nineteen _fifteen 3. seventeen_eighteen 4.seven+six _thirteen5. twelve+three_fourteen 6.eleven+five_twenty三、小小翻译官,快来试一试。 ( )、Whats this ? A、看那个气球!( ) 2、Open it and see! B、你看见多少只鸟?( ) 3、How many birds do you see? C、打开看看!( ) 4、You have sixteen crayons!D、这是什么?( ) 5、Look at that balloon!E、你有十六支蜡笔!
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