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2020年小学英语外研版(3年级起点)五年级下册期末试卷(2)一、Read and write.按要求写出下列单词的对应形式。1. do (过去式) _ 2. is (过去式) _ 3. tell (过去式) _ 4. wear (过去式) _ 5. heavy (反义词) _ 6. woman (复数)_7. make (过去式) _ 8. watch (过去式 )_ 9. tooth (复数) _ 10.photo (复数) _二选择( ) 1. I want to buy a present for my mother. What do you suggest? What _ flowers? A. of B. about C. for ( ) 2. Tom is _ very hard at school now.A. study B. studying C. studies( )3. It _ a small house ten years ago. A. was B. were C. is( )4. Every day she _ an English dinner. A. had B. has C. have( ) 5. The letter is _ England. A. of B. from C. to( ) 6. My grandparents met me _ the airport.A. in B. at C. on三、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I _(visit)Hainan last year.2.Thank you fou _(talk) to us ,Miss Li.3.He didnt _(watch) TV last night.4.Line A is _(long) than Line B.四.按照要求改写句子1. She ate an ice-cream yesterday .(改为一般疑问句)_she_an ice-cream yesterday.2.He wrote a letter last night .(改为一般否定句)He _ _ a letter last night.3.They went to Herbin last summer.(划线部分提问)_ _they _ to Harbin?4.He did his homework.(对划线部分提问)_did he _?5.Are you ready for you trip.(作肯定回答)_.五连词成句 (10分)1.had she fish chips and 1.go . 2.go to library lets the 3.too its big you for4.learning hes English now.5.last year I went there六.选择正确单词填空.(8分) (1)playplayedA.YesterdayI_football.B.Iwill_footballtomorrow.(2).meetmetA.LinglingandJohn_meatthezooyesterday.B.Imgoingto_youinNewYork.(3).gowentA.YesterdayI_tothepark.B.Ill_toparktomorrow.(4).buyboughtA.Yesterdaymymother_abookforme.B.Ill_toparktomorrow.七.选择正确的字母或字母组合把单词补充完整,并把答案序号填在提前括号中。(10分)()1.Hpe希望A.aB.o()2rtired退休的A.eB.o()3Toniht在今夜今晚A.jB.g()4.sy简单的A.aeB.ea()5pockt口袋兜儿A.eB.o八.选择题(20分)()1Itsaprogrammechina.A、inB、aboutC、on()2Thankyoutalkingtous.AforBtoCin( )3.Pleasebringbackthebooktwoweekstime.AaboutBwithCin( )4.canyoufindoutaboutanimals?-Atthezoo.AWhereBWhatCWhich()5Trythisonewhite.AonBinCto()6-Whatdidyouhavebreakfastyesterday.-Ihadrice.AforBatCon()7HesEnglishnow.AlearntBlearningClearn()8Yesterdaysheacake.AmakeBmadeCmaking()9Sheworkedthefields.AinBatCon()10Hecanabookthere.AfindsBfindCfound九、连词成句(注意大小写)(10分)1IveangotemailfromLingling. 2Hehardverystudied. 3Whereyoucanfindoutsportsabout? 4sheDidatelevisionhave. 5inLifeverywasdifferentchinamanyyearsago.
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