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2020学年度第一学期五年级上册英语期中测试班级:_ 姓名:_ 分数:_听力部分(40)一、 听句子,从 ABCD 四个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填在题前的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. A. strong B. strict C. old D. young ( ) 2. A. math B. science C.art D.English( ) 3.A. Sunday B.Tuesday C.Wednesday D.Friday( ) 4. A. mutton B.potatoes C.cabbage D.onions( ) 5. A.salty B.sour C.fresh D.tasty二、下面你将听到5个问句,请选择正确的答案,并将答案所代表字母填入括号内(10分)( ) 1. A. Its Thursday. B. Its Friday. C、Its Tuesday. D、Its Sunday. ( ) 2.A. We have tofu and fish. B. We have green beans and fish. C. We have mutton and fish. D. We have tofu and cabbage.( ) 3.A. We have math and English. B. We have art and English. C. We have math and P.E. D. We have math and Chinese.( ) 4.A. I like apples. B. I like bananas. C. I like grapes. D. I like onions.( ) 5.A. I watch TV on Saturdays. B. I read books on Sundays. C. I play computer games on Saturdays. D. I play football on Saturdays.三、听短文并填空。(20分)My name is Jack。Im ten years old. My favourite day is ( ). We have ( ) and ( ) class on ( ). ( ) are my favourite food. My teacher is Mr. Li. He is our Math teacher. He is ( ) and ( ). He is very ( ). I dont like ( ), because they are ( ).笔试部分一、想一想,写一写。(10 分)A)写出下列单词的反义词。1、young _ 2、active _3、tall _4、strict _5、sweet _6、strong _B)写出下列单词的近义词。1、eat_ 2、clever_3、love_ 4、delicious_二. 选择填空。(10分)( )1、Jim:_ is your math teacher? Lily:Mss. Wu A、Whos B、What C、Who( )2、Jim: _she like? Lily:Shes tall and thin. A、What is B、What C、Whos( )3、My sister is _ English teacher. A、a B、an C、the( )4、Jim:_ day is it today? Lily:Its Thursday.( )5、We have English class _ Mondays.A、in B、on C、at( )6、What would you like for lunch? Id like some _. A. green beans B. green bean C. bean( )7、What _ you?A. are B. about C. do( )8、What do you _ on Saturdays? A. is B. does C. do( )9、What do we have on Mondays? We have _. A. Friday B. science C. fruit( )10、Is she quiet? A. Yes, she isnt. B. No, she is. C. No, she isnt.三、根据中文提示,用单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。(5分)1. The girl is very_(文静的). 2. What would you like for_(午饭)?3. The_(土豆)are yummy.4. Our English teacher is s_, but hes kind.(严格的)5. We all like m_ class, because we can sing and dance in class.(音乐).四、根据中文意思,选出正确答案。(5分)( )1.当你告诉别人你的同学迈克很风趣时,你说:_ A. Shes very funny. B. You are funny. C. Hes very funny. ( ) 2.当你询问今天是星期几时,你应说:_A. What is it day ? B. What it is today ? C. What day is it today ?( ) 3.当你询问别人星期二的课程安排时,你应说:_ A. What day do you have on Tuesdays ? B. What do you have on Tuesdays ? C. What do you like on Tuesdays ?( )4、当你询问别人喜欢吃什么水果时,你应说:_ A. Whats your favorite fruit ? B. What do you have ?C. What would you like for lunch ?( ) 5. 如果你想知道别人的爸爸长得怎样,你可以问:_ A. Whats your father like? B. What is your father? C. Do you like your father?五、下面你能看到 5 组分别被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下, 把正确的答句字母标号填入相应问句前的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. What do you have for dinner? A. I often play ping-pong.( ) 2. What do you do on Sundays? B、I have beef and rice.( ) 3. What day is it today? C. Id like some fish and rice.( ) 4.Whats she like? D. Its Wednesday.( ) 5. What would you like for lunch? E. Shes tall and thin.六、将打乱的单词组成句子,注意大小写变化和陈述句疑问句应该使用的英文标点。(每个2分,共10分)1、day/it/is/today/What_2、Mondays/What/you/do/on/have_3、favourite/What/your/is/food_4、Mondays/you/have/lunch/do/What/for/on_5、teachers / new/Do/have/you_七、选词填空。(10分)beef tasty lunch healthy likes Today is Sunday,we will have yummy food for_.My favourite food is _ and green beans. Beef is _and green beans are _.My father _ noodles. Cabbage and tofu are my mothers favourite .
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