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Unit6 At a farm第一课时一、选择适当的字母或字母组合完成单词( ) sh_p A.ea B.ee C.eo( ) g_t A.aa B.oa C.ua( ) th_teen A.or B.ir C.ur( ) tw_nty A.e B.a C.u( ) carr_t A.e B.a C.o二、从B栏中选出A栏中的应答语 A BWhat are they? A.Yes,they are.How many sheep are there? B.No,it isnt.Are these pigs? C.Twenty.Is it donkey? D.Theyre hens.第二课时一、选择。( )Are they horses?_ A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,they are. C.No,they are( )How many_do you have? A.sheeps B.sheepes C.sheep( )What_these?They are cats. A.am B.is C are( )Look at the _.They are lovely. A.rabbits B.a rabbit C.rabbit( )I can ride a _. A.hen B.horse C.cat二、排序( )Are they sheep?( )They are goats.( )Oh,this farm is so big.( )No,they arent.( )They are fat. 第三课时一、英汉互译 猫_ 兔子_ 猪_ 鸭子_ 狗_ sheep_ hen_ lamb_ goat_ Are they ducks?_ No,they arent._二、选择( )What do you see in the picture?_ A.Two. B.I see five cats. C.I see two pig.( )How many horses are there?_ A.Thirty B.They are thirty. C.I have thirty.( )Are they cows? _ A.Yes,it is. B.No,they are. C.Yes,they are.( )What are they? _ A.Its a lamb. B.They are sheep. C.They are horse.第四课时一、分类eleven cat potato fifteen rabbit thirteen duck onion twelve horse twenty carrot dog cucumberNumbers:_Animals:_Vegetables:_二、找出划线部分读音不同的词( )A.cat B.fat C.rabbit D.cake( )A.twelve B.twenty C.eleven D.we( )A.light B.is C.five D.nine( )A.no B.nose C.box D.go( )A.up B.computer C.hundred D.but第五课时一、排序。( ) No,they arent.( ) Are those carrots?( ) Theyre onions.( ) Look!Are they tomatoes?( ) What are these?( ) Yes,they are.二、连线。 柿子 potatoes 胡萝卜 duck 土豆 rabbit 兔子 carrots 鸭子 tomatoes第六课时一、读一读,写一写eleven twelve fifteen thirteen twenty 二、选择适当的句子填入对话中。A:Welcome to my farm. B:_A:Look,these are tomatoes. B:They are big and red. _A:Yes,they are. B:Do you have many animals?A:Yes,this way,please. B:_A:No,theyre goats.B:Do you have any horses?A:_Lets count.A&B: _(1)One,twoThere are twelve.(2)Yes,I do.(3)Wow,its so big.(4)Are they carrots?(5)Are they sheep?
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