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美国孩子学中文同学们现在都在努力学英文,大家知道吗?就在你们认真背ABC的同时,大洋彼岸的小伙伴们也在努力学习中文呢本文适合小学三年级学生阅读练习。You work hard to learn English. Do you know American kids are learning Chinese?In many US schools, students take Chinese lessons. How do they learn Chinese?Lets go to the Muir Elementary School in the US. Maddi, 6, and Stephen, 6, are first graders in this school. They are learning how to say “we” in Chinese. “Its not easy to remember the Chinese characters (汉字). But learning Chinese is fun,” they say.In Chinese class, they are learning the language through songs, games and lots of talking.“Chinese is popular among US kids. They pick it up really fast,” their teacher says.【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写T,错误的写“F”。1.( )We work hard to learn English and the US kids work hard to learn Chinese.2.( )Students in US schools never learn Chinese lessons.3.( )Inthe Muir Elementary School in the US, Maddi and Stephen are learning how to say we in Chinese.4.( )To US kids, its not easy to remember the Chinese characters.5.( )In Chinese class, US kids are learning the language through songs, games and lots of listening.【解析】1.T.从文章第一段可以知道“中国孩子努力学英语的同时,美国孩子们也在学中文呢。”,所以这题是正确的。2.F.从文章第一段第三句In many US schools, students take Chinese lessons.“在许多美国学校,孩子们会上中文课。”可以知道题目中说“他们从不上中文课”肯定是不对的啦。注意这里never是“从来不”的意思噢。3.T.从文章第二段可以知道在美国的Muir小学,Maddi和Stephen正在学习怎么用中文说“我们”,所以这题是正确的。4.T.从文章第二段后半部分可以知道“对于这些美国孩子来说,学习汉字可不简单噢!”,所以这题也是正确哒5.F.从文章最后一段第一句In Chinese class, they are learning the language through songs, games and lots of talking. “在美国的中文课上,当地孩子们通过歌曲,游戏和谈话的方式来学习中文。”可是题目中把“谈话”变成了“听力”,所以很可惜,这题是不正确哒!
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