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英语(新标准)(三起)第一册Module 1 Unit 1 Purpose Knowledge aim: To learn to introduce names.Ability aim: To train them to say hello to their friends and introduce with “ Im .”Ideological aim: To improve the students basic English about greetings.Main points: The way of greetings : Im .Difficult points: To introduce happily and convincingly. Teaching materials: pictures, cards, tape recorder, masks Teaching process:Step One: Greeting with students.T: Hello, my dear children. This is your first English class. Im very happy to teach you English this term. Speaking English is a piece of cake. Please remember that. Lets say “Hello” to each other first. Please stand up, all of you.( 教师边说边翻译,做手势示意全体起立)T: (教师边挥手边走向学生。) Hello, my dear children!S: Hello!T: Do what I do like this. ( 挥手,微笑,大声)S: ( 在教师的指导下模仿)T: Its interesting to speak English. Sit down, please.T: (面带微笑,朝向一个小女孩) Hello! Lovely girl! S: Hello!T: Good girl! Say it like this, please! Its easy to speak English.T: (朝向另一男孩) Hello! Cool boy!S: Hello! T: Good boy! See, its easy. Lets try again. ( 再叫几名学生,师生挥手打招呼)T: Now please say “hello” to your classmates like this. Who can try? ( 叫几名学生到前面来,面向全体问好,注意表情和动作,并且要声音洪亮)T: Then say “hello” to your neighbors and your friends. You can go out ofyour seat and move around the classroom.S: (学生自由活动问好)T: You did a good job!Step Two: New courseT: Next I want to know your name. How do you introduce your namethen? Listen! Im Ellen. ( 说三遍) Please say hello to me.(Some excellent students can answer like the following)S1: Hello, Ellen. S2: Hello, Ellen. T: Hello! Your name, please? S2:Im Tom. T: Hello, Tom. Your name, please?S3: Im Mike. T: Hello, Mike.S3: Hello, Ellen.T: Well done. Now please practice. Say hello and your name, then lets have a race. ( 给学生一分钟时间练习)T: Lets try to say that: Hello, Im.( 板书) Team by team, and one by one. (以小组为单位,计时开始)S: Hello, Im.( 学生一一进行自我介绍)T: You are terrific. Team One is the winner. Step Three: Knowledge extensionT: Now lets play a game. Do what I do. (教师边做动作,边说,学生学做) Stand up, stand up. Sit down, sit down. Stand up, sit down. Sit down, stand up. Hands up, Hands up. Hands down, hands down. Hands up, hands down. Hands down, hands up. Hello, hello, say hello. Goodbye, goodbye, say good bye.Hello, hello, say hello. Goodbye, goodbye, say good byeT: Eyes front, try your best to say it while you are doing it. S: (学生试图边说边做动作)Step Four: ConsolidationT: Next Ill introduce four children to you. Please listen! What are their names? ( 展示四个头饰)T: (教师放CDrom两遍) OK, whats this boys name? Tom?S: No, Sam. T: Right. Smart girl. And whats this girls name? Lisa? S: No, Amy. T: Good. Clever boy. And who is she? Yuanyuan? Dandan?S: No. Lingling. T: Yes, right. Her name is Lingling. And who is he? Qiangqiang? Liangliang? S: No. Daming. T: Yes, his name is Daming. Well, lets know them again. His name?Ss: Sam.T: Her name? Ss: Amy.T: And her name? Ss: Lingling.T: His name?Ss: Daming. T: Fantastic. Following well study and play with them for this whole term. Please remember them and make good friends with them. Next open your English books and read the text together. (学生看图像并跟读,强调指读)T: Please practice for a while. S: ( 学生自己练习指读)T: At last who can introduce yourself in English as much as you can.S: ( 展示自我介绍)Step Five: Sum up and homework.T: Today we learnt how to greet and introduce. You all did a good job. Please introduce yourself into the mirror at home. And read the text five time. Its time to say goodbye. Lets sing a song and say goodbye with each other. ( 最后唱再见歌结束)
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