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Nounclauses 名词性从句 概念在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句 在复合句中能担任主语 宾语 表语 同位语等 名词性从句 I 名词性从句的引导词 连接词 that if whether 无意义 2 连接代词 who whom whose what which whoever whatever 3 连接副词 when where why how 是否 作主 宾 表 WhatattractspeopletoCaliforniaisitspleasantclimateandrelaxedlifestyle ThisiswhyeachyearagreatnumberofpeoplefromallovertheworldtrytoimmigratetoCalifornia However mostapplicantsknowthattheyhaveverylittlechanceofgettingavisa 1 Studytheunderlinednounclausesinthesesentences Inyouropinion whatrolesdotheseclausesplayinthesentences 主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 WhetherNativeAmericansarrivedinCalifornia15000yearsagoor14000yearsagoisnotimportant ThefactthattheyarrivedalongtimebeforeEuropeansiswhatmatters IbelievethattheNativeAmericansweretreatedbadlywhenthefirstEuropeanscame Thecustomsofficeiswhereyourbaggageisinspectedwhenyouenterorleaveacountry 2 Findoutwhattypesofnounclausearethey 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 3 Jointhetwopartstomakesentencescontainingnounclauses 1 Shepretended2 Itisnotsurprising3 Whyshedidn ttellyouherself4 Iwonder5 Thetroublewas6 Itisessential7 WhatGeorgediscoveredinCalifornia8 Wheretheygotallthatmoney A IswhatIwanttoknow B thatyougetavisabefowyoutraveltotheUSA C Whyheliedtome D thatsomanypeopleloveCalifornia E iswhatIcan texplain F thatshewasasocialist beliveinginsocialism G thatshehadlostherpassport H wasdiffentformwhathesawinthemovies F D A E C G B H A E 本节课语法重点 一 名词性从句的语序二 名词性从句连接词的选用尤其是that和what的用法 whether和if的用法 名词性从句在句中要用 语序 从句的引导词必须始终置于 1 Doyouknow A whywashelatethismorning B whathewaslatethismorning Cwhyhewaslatethismorning D whathewaslatethismorning 陈述 总结归纳 2 Youcan tpredict A whenwilltheyfinishthetaskB thattheywillfinishthetaskC whattheywillfinishthetaskD whentheywillfinishthetask 从句句首 考点1 语序问题 1 他是怎么成功的仍然是个谜 Howwashesuccessfulisstillapuzzle Howhewassuccessfulisstillapuzzle 2 你能告诉我他住在什么地方吗 Couldyoutellmewherehelives Couldyoutellmewheredoeshelive F T T F 名词性从句考点归纳 一 名词性从句的语序 3 Heaskedmewhatwasthematterwithme T 判断下列句子是否正确 TorF 陈述语序 二 名词性从句连接词的选用 1 that和what的选用 1 hewantsisabook 2 hewantstogothereisobvious 3 Theresultis wewonthegame 4 Thisis wewanttoknow 5 Is hetoldustrue 6 Weshouldpayattentionto theteacherissaying 7 Ihavenodoubt hewillcome 8 Ihavenoidea hedidthatafternoon What That that what what what that what That和what的区别 Thehopethathemayrecoverisnotgoneyet Whathesaidprovedtobetrue 3 whether和if的选用 1 Iaskedher shehadabike 2 wewillholdapartyintheopenairtomorrowdependsontheweather 3 We reworriedabout heissafe 4 Idon tknow heiswellornot 5 Idon tknow ornotheiswell 6 Thequestionis heshoulddoit 7 Thedoctorcanhardlyanswerthequestion theoldmanwillrecoversoon 8 Idon tknow togo A if whetherB ifC whetherD that C A C C C C C C Rememberit a 主语从句中b 表语从句中c 同位语从句中d 介词后的宾语从句中e Whether后直接跟不定式todof whether后紧跟ornot引导宾语从句时不用if 只用whether不用if的情况 本节课语法项目总结 一 名词性从句的语序 陈述语序二 名词性从句连接词的选用 Homework1 整理语法笔记2 独立或者小组讨论完成课本第5页的第4小题 3 认真思考一下同位语与定语从句之间的区别
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