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外研版(一起)三年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 练习题【典型例题】句子排序 A B1. Id like a cup of coffee. 1. Hello, Gao Shan. 2. Im thirsty, Mr. Brown. 2. Lets go and play baseball now. 3. What would you like? 3. Thats a good idea. 4. Here you are. 4. I like baseball. 5. Thank you. 5. What do you like, Wang Bing? 6. Thats all right. 6. Hello, Wang Bing. Keys:A:2-3-1-4-5-6 B:1-6-5-4-2-3CD1. Oh, its time to go to bed. 1. A sweater, please. 2. Whats the time, dad? 2. What about the yellow one? 3. Good night, Helen. 3. Can I help you? 4. Its nine twenty. 4. Its nice. How much is it? 5. Good night, Dad. 5. 50 yuan. Keys:C:5-3-2-4-1 D:3-1-2-4-5EF1. Sound good. 1. What a nice photo. 2. What about a sandwich?2. Look at my family photo. 3. Im very hungry, mum.3. No, hes my uncle. 4. No, Id like a hamburger.4. Wheres your father? 5.Thank you, mum. 5. Is this your father? 6. OK. Its in that box. 6. Look, hes on the sofa. Keys:E:3-2-4-6-5-1 F:2-1-4-6-5-3 GH1. Whats this in it? 1. Thats a good idea. Lets go. 2. How are you? 2. Excuse me, whats the time, please? 3. Oh, I see. 3. What do you like? 4. Not bad. Thank you. 4. No, I dont like fishing. 5. Its a pencil sharpener. 5. Its three oclock. Shall we go fishing? 6.Look, this is my new pencil box. 6. I like rowing. Lets go rowing, OK? Keys:G:2-4-3-6-1-5 H:2-5-4-3-6-1I1. Shall we go skating? 2. Good idea. 3. Whats the time? 4. Lets go shopping. 5. What colour? 6. Its four to eight. 7. No, I dont like skating. 8. Can I help you? 9. Blue. 10. A tie, please. 11. Twenty yuan, please. 12. How much is it? Keys:3-6-1-7-4-2-8-10-5-9-12-11 J1. Lets go running. 2. Its seven oclock. 3. Im fine. Thank you. And you? 4. What do you like? 5. Good idea. 6. How are you? 7. No, I dont like running. 8. Not bad. 9. Lets go. 10. Whats the time, now? 11. Lets go skiing. 12. I like skiing. Keys:6-3-8-10-2-1-7-4-12-11-5-9 K1. I cant find my bike. Where is it? 2. But wheres dad? 3. Whats the time, mum? 4. Shall we go to the park? 5. Sorry, I dont know. 6. Hes in the study. 7. But how? 8. All right. 9. Oh, its over there. 10. By bike. 11. Its two oclock. Keys:3-11-4-8-2-6-7-10-1-5-9L1. Look at my family photo. 2. What a lovely clock! 3. Whats that over there? 4. Yes, she is. 5. Is it a cat? 6. Is she your mother? 7.Come in, please. 8. No, it isnt. Its a clock. 9. Whats the time? 10.Its time to go home now. 11. OK, see you. 12. Its four oclock.13. May I come in? Keys:13-7-1-6-4-3-5-8-2-9-12-10-11 M1. Shall we watch TV? 2. Its ten oclock. 3. Alice, whats eighteen minus nine? 4. Oh, no. Youre wrong. Its nine. 5. Whats the time now? 6. Its ten. 7. All right. Good night. 8. Oh, no. Its time to go to bed. Keys:3-6-4-1-8-5-2-7N1. Mike, this is my friend Lily. 2. May I come in, Helen?3. Nice to meet you, too. 4. Come in, please, Lily. 5. Yes, he is. 6. Sit down, please. 7. Is this your brother Mike? 8. Nice to meet you. 9. Thank you. Keys:2-4-1-8-3-7-5-6-9O1. Yes, it is. 2. What a nice camera. 3. Nancy, is this a camera? 4. Sure. Here you are. 5. Can I have a look? Keys:3-1-2-5-4P1. Lets go and play football. 2. What do you play? 3. I play football. 4. No, I dont. 5. Hello, Mike. Do you play basketball? 6. Great, lets go. Keys:5-4-2-3-1-6 【模拟试题】句子排序:1. ( )By car. ( )Lets go to the zoo. ( )But how? ( )All right. 2. ( )Good morning, Helen.( )An ice cream ( )Good morning.( )OK! Thank you.3. ( )Im a Chinese girl. ( )Im from Shanghai. (
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