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Unit 1-Part B-习题一、我会连。读一读,连一连。1.看一看,谁能分得清!A D C E B b c a d e2.单词姐姐找汉语妹妹。dog coffee elephant apple bag 苹果狗咖啡书包大象二、我会选。选择正确的翻译。()“欢迎!”翻译为: A. Hello! B. Welcome!()“见到你很高兴”翻译为: A. How are you? B. Nice to meet you. ()“这是我的朋友”翻译为:A. This is my friend B. This is my teacher三、我会填,根据汉意把相应的字母填在横线上。 a, b, c, d, e _oy(男孩) _uck(鸭子) _nt(蚂蚁) _gg(蛋) _oke(可乐)四、我会译,这些句子是什么意思?.Where are you from? A、妇女节快乐!.Happy Womans Day! B、小心!.Please come in. C、你来自哪里?.Watch out! D、请进。正确的翻译是:五、我会判。读一读,并判断。Girl: Hello! Im Amy, Whats your name?Boy: My name is Mike. Im from Canada. Where are you from?Girl: Im from America. Nice to meet you!Boy: Nice to meet you, too! ( )1. Amy is a boy.( )2. Amy is from China.( )3. Mike is a girl.( )4.Mike is from Canada.六、读一读,选一选。A. Hello! Im Mike, Im a student.B. Good morning, boys and girls. Im your teacher.C. Hi! Im a boy, Im from America.D. Hello! Im Chen jie and Im a girl.七、读一读,抄一抄。
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