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(广东版)开心英语三年级下册教案Unit 1 Hello, Gogo!Lesson 3一、Objectives and Requirements:1. Language Target: Whats this? Its a butterfly. I like chicken. What do you like? I like steak.2. VocabularyKey: notebook, pencil case, snake, butterfly, soup, steak, pink, graySounds and words: this, these, that, those, mother, father 3. Materials:Picture cards1-8, large sheet/cardboard, colored chalk二、Procedure:1. Activity 1 1) Getting readyA. Draw simple sketches of previously learned vocabulary on the board.B. Using colored chalk (or markers), color in the sketches.T: Whats this? What color is it? (Ask Ss these questions while drawing and coloring them on the board.)C. Elicit responses and model responses, e.g. Its a (ball).and Its (pink).2) Using the bookD. Have Ss look at the pictures in this activity.T: Look and repeat. Duck. Yellow duck. Continue with the rest of the items.E. Point out the speech bubbles above Gogos, Tonys and Jennys heads.F. Encourage Ss to quiz one another using these questions.2. Sounds and words1) Getting ready a) T: Lets practice the sound .Look at my mouth and repeat. Put your tongue out like this. (Model putting your tongue at the front of your mouth and making the sound.) b) T: . Ss: .Teach the word in the book. Have the Ss repeat. 2) Using the bookc) Look at the picture and say the words.d) Listen to the tape and have Ss repeat.3) Chant in the book.3. Finish the exercises in Workbook and Writing book.
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