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(苏教牛津版)英语教案三年级下册 unit6Unit 6Review and checkThe second periodTeaching Contents:Unit 4,Unit 5.Teaching Aims :Enable the Ss to understand and say 20 numbers .Enable the Ss to understand and use the communicative sentences .Raise the Ss interest to learn English .Teaching Steps:Step1 Free talk and motivation.Sing a song: Twenty green bottles .Free talk .教师以“Excuse me ”展开对话,充分运用Unit 1,Unit 2,Unit 3 ,Unit 4, Unit 5中的不同句型、单词进行连锁操练。Step2 ,Revision .1.复习数字120。a. 教师出示手语,学生根据手势快速说出相应的数字。(可以采用开火车的形式进行)b. 用扑克牌或数字卡片复习数字类单词。教师指导学生编排20以内加减法算式,学生自由组合24人一组,一问一答,或一人问,其他人抢答。 e.gS1:Whats one plus two ?S2: Its three /Its four.S1: Thats right /Sorry ,youre wrong . Its three .2.Have a rest .Play a game :速记电话号码。教师将学生分成几个小组,各组派代表到黑板前进行速记比赛。教师用英语报出电话号码,要求学生写出相应的阿拉伯数字,或快速说出相应的数字。Step 3 Practice .1.Look at the picture and try to act .(Unit 4 C Look and say )学生以小组为单位自选其中任意一幅图,根据图意运用所学的日常交际用语(不要求局限于本课的句型)进行小品表演,鼓励学生充分展开想象自由发挥。2教师收集学生的各类文具,自制的图片进行交际练习。e.g T: How many keys can you see ?Ss: I can see five keys .也可采用学生问学生答的形式,练习时要注意名词复数的表现形式。3Listen to the tape and repeat .(Unit 4,Unit 5)
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