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三年级英语下学期Unit 5测试卷1姓名 班级 分数 Listening(60分)Listen and circle听录音,圈出正确的选项。(20分) Listen,tick and write听录音,先在相应的颜色格子里打,然后在最后一列中写上数字。(12分)(最后一列请用阿拉伯数字写出。)Listen and match听一听,连一连。(10分) Listen and choose听一听,选一选。(10分)( )1AWhere is my book? BWhere is my bike? CWhere is my bag?( )2ACan I use your ruler?BCan I use your eraser?CI have a ruler( )3AThe chair is green BThe desk is green CThe chair is blue( )4ALook! Its in the boxBLook! Its on the boxCLook! Its under the box( )5AI have a new bike BI have a new bag CI have a yellow bagListen and choose听录音,选择适当的答语。(8分) Writing(40分)Look and write the small letters在四线格上写出相应字母的小写形式。(10分)PK UTH RAIN STK ZOO OAV BOOK WIND UNDER CAR Find,circle and write the Chinese meaning圈出右边小方框中所列的单词,并写出它们的中文意思。(10分)(先读一读右栏中的单词,然后在左表中把它们圈出来,并在横线上写出中文意思。)Read and choose读一读,选一选。(8分)( )1Can I use your pencil?ANo,thank youBNo problemCIts yellow( )2Where is my ruler?AIts under your bookBYour pencil is hereCHere you are( )3Where are you from?AHere it is!BIm from CanadaCIm eleven( )4Whos that girl?AShe is SarahBIm JohnCHe is my brother( )5May I have a look?ASure,here you areBIts niceCThank you( )6Can I have an apple,please?ACertainlyBGreatCThanks( )7How many bikes can you see?AIts blackBI have eightCI can see seven( )8Do you like grapes?ANo,I doBNo,I dontCYes,pleaseLook,read and answer根据图片完成任务。(12分) Abox Bin Cunder Ddog Echair Fpencil-case1Read and choose把正确单词的序号填在横线上。(1)Where is the ruler? Its on the _(2)Where is the crayon? Its in the _(3)Where is the _? Its under the desk(4)Where is the duck? Its _ the box2Read and tick or cross根据图片判断下列句子的正误,正确的打,不正确的打。(1)Where is the bike? Its under the chair ( )(2)Where is the lamp? Its in the desk ( )(3)Where is the book? Its on the box ( )(4)Where is the eraser? Its in the pencil-case( )Challenge(10分)Read and choose读一读,选一选。(10分)(单词接龙,把图片序号填在括号里,下一个单词的首字母须和前一个单词的末字母相同。)参考答案Listening1A 2A 3B 4A 5B 6B 7B 8A 9B 10Abike:purple,5 taxi:yellow,10 jeep:green,17 doll:pink,12 kite:blue,4 bus:red,91Johntoy carunder the book 2Sarahtoy taxiin my bag3Amytoy jeepon the chair4Miketoy busin the desk5Chen Jietoy bikeon my head1B 2A 3A 4C 5B1A 2B 3B 4A 5B 6A 7A 8BWriting略略1B 2A 3B 4A 5A 6A 7C 8B1(1)E(2)F(3)D(4)B2(1)(2)(3)(4)Challenge1EB2DCA听力材料Listen and circle1I have a new toy car2G:Where is the toy car? B:Its in the bag3B:Whos that woman? G:Shes my mother4I have a new lampIts black5B:Where is my walkman? G:Its under the desk6B:How many crayons? G:Seven7Please write small letters v-w-y8Circle “O-P-Q-R-S”9B:May I have a look? G:Sure,here you are10B:Can I use your pencil? G:No problemListen,tick and write1G:How many toy bikes do you have? B:I have 5They are purple2G:How many toy taxis do you have? B:I have 10They are yellow3G:How many toy jeeps do you have? B:I have 17They are green4G:How many dolls do you have? B:I have 12They are pink5G:How many kites do you have? B:I have 4They are blue6G:How many toy buses do you have? B:I have 9They are redListen and match1G:John,what do you have? B:I have a new toy carG:Where is the toy car? B:Its here,under the book2B:Sarah,what do you have? G:I have a toy taxiIts in my bag3B:Amy,what about you?G:I have a new toy jeepLook,it s on the chair4G:Mike,do you have a jeep?B:No,I have a toy busIts coolIts in the desk5B:Chen Jie,how about you?G:I have a toy bikeLook! Its on my headListen and choose1Where is my bike? 2Can I use your ruler?3The chair is green 4Look! Its under the box5I have a new bagListen and choose1Who is this boy? 2Can I use your pencil?3Wheres my toy jeep? 4Can I use your ruler?5How many erasers do you have? 6Do you like grapes?7What color is your new lamp? 8What can you see in the desk?
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