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数据仓库在军事指挥决策中的应用研究重庆大学硕士学位论文学生姓名:薛 超指导教师:朱庆生 教 授专业:计算机理论与应用学科门类:工 学重庆大学计算机学院二 O 一一年四月Study on the Decision Support System ofCombat Command Based on DataWarehouseA Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theDegree of Master of EngineeringByXue ChaoSupervisor by Prof. ZhuqingshengMajor: Computer Software and theoryCollege of Computer Science ofChongqing University,Chongqing,ChinaApril 2011重庆大学硕士学位论文摘要中文摘要近年来,部队信息化建设力度不断加大,军用数据库的建设和投入使用,为部队采集、积累了大量的诸如战场地形、天候、气象、水文、人文环境、电磁环境以及作战对象编制体制、武器装备、作战原则等军事数据信息。一方面,这些数据为部队指挥决策提供了强大的数据支撑,另一方面,这些零散的、大量的数据的存储、运用、综合、管理等问题,以及如何从这些海量的数据中提取对作战指挥决策有用的信息,提高数据的应用水平,并基于这些大量的、准确的、综合的数据进行科学有效的指挥决策,使军队信息优势真正转变为决策优势和行动优势,为指挥员决策提供支持,成为决策者和决策机构亟待解决的一个新课题。随着数据仓库技术研究的迅猛发展,日益成熟的数据仓库技术已经在国内外得到较为成功的应用,部队也加大了对数据仓库技术的关注,尝试将数据仓库技术运用于部队作战指挥决策,建立基于数据仓库的作战指挥决策支持系统,通过有效的人机交互支持数据分析和态势评估,提高作战指挥的效率和质量,本课题就是在这种情况下产生的。本文先是介绍了该课题的研究背景、当前部队的作战指挥决策及作战指挥决策支持系统建设的现状及不足,然后,对数据仓库的基本理论和知识,尤其是数据挖掘、联机分析处理以及决策支持系统的知识等内容进行了主要介绍,进一步探讨信息化条件下作战指挥决策的现实需求,以及数据仓库在作战指挥决策支持系统中的应用问题,提出建立基于数据仓库的作战指挥决策支持系统,并对系统的技术架构和体系结构进行了初步探讨和研究。关键词:数据仓库,军事指挥,决策支持系统,联机分析处理,数据挖掘I重庆大学硕士学位论文英文摘要ABSTRACTIn recent years, more and more efforts have been made in the process of militaryinformationization. The establishment of data base for military use and its applicationhave collected and accumulated large numbers of military data including terrain,weather, meteorology, hydrology, humanistic environment, electromagneticenvironment, establishment mechanism of combat opponent, military equipment andprinciples of military operation. On the one hand, these data have become a strongsupport for decision-making in military commanding; on the other hand, the storage,application, integration and management of these vast data as well as how to extractuseful information from them and raise the application level have become a new taskfor decision-makers and bodies. This task also means carrying out commanding anddecision-making in a scientific and effective way on the basis of these vast, accurateand synthetical data so as to switch the advantage of informationization in the army tothe advantage of decision-making and actions and provide support for commanders.Research into data warehouse technology is developing rapidly and becomingincreasingly mature with its successful applications at home and abroad. In this respect,attention has been paid to data warehouse technologies and attempts have been made toapply such technologies in troops operational commanding. Meanwhile, a supportivesystem has been set up on the basis of data warehouse. Support for dada analysis andstate assessment has become possible through human-computer interaction and stateassessment. As a result, the efficiency and quality of operations have been improved. Itis under this circumstance that this project is put forward and carried out.This paper begins with the introduction of research background, current situationand deficiency of the establishment of(decision-support-system)DSS, operationalcommanding and decision-making followed by fundamentals in theory and knowledgerelated to data warehouse especially that of the DM , on-line analysis andprocessing(OLAP) and DSS. In addition, current demand in operational commandingand decision-making under the circumstances of informationization is discussed.Finally, the author has put forward the idea as establishing DSS of operationalcommand and probed and explored into technological framework and systematicstructure.Keywords: Key words: data warehouse; military commanding; DSS; OLAP; DM.II重庆大学硕士学位论文目录目录中文摘要.I英文摘要. II1 绪论 . 11.1 研究背景 . 11.2 作战指挥决策支持系统研究的现状 . 31.3 数据仓库在指挥领域的应用意义和前景 . 42 数据仓库概述.
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