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Unit 2 Jennys Birthday教育目标:1引导学生在别人生日时要给予真诚的祝福。 2引导学生要珍惜亲人和朋友对自己的关爱和祝福。 知识目标:1. Words and expressions guest arrive at/in parcel rack disc blow stop around 2Sentence patterns What +be + Sb. + doing? Sb. + be + (v.)ing. Sb. must do* Language Lab 根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。能读懂并表演Pair Work中的小对话。 Music Box 能掌握音标/e/,/ / 并能看音标读出一个或两个音节的单词 Disneyland 能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme: The Swallows Song 节奏基本正确,能体会语言的美感。 Difficult Points: 1能掌握arrive in 和arrive at的不同用法。 arrive 后面可跟介词 in 和 at ,到达的地方如范围较大(如州,国家,大城市),多用 in ;如果是小地方(如小城,村子,车站等)用 at 时较多。但如把城市作为一个地点看待,也可用at 。当表示地点时,at 表示某一点,in 表示某一空间内。 2 能正确理解用when引导的时间状语从句。 when引出的时间状语从句,其中的动词既可以是延续性动作的动词,也可以是瞬间性动作的动词,而且可以表示主语的动作和从句的动作同时发生,或者从句的动作发生在主句的动作之前 Developing Aims 能用英语描述生日聚会时的情景。 教学资源:教学投影片、配套磁带。课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。 教材处理:Wonderland中是单词来自于课文,所以可以和Grand Theatre中的内容结合在一起进行教学。Farmland 中的现在进行时特殊疑问句的结构学生已在前几册教材中学,在此教师应帮助学生梳理有关知识,并在与情态动词must的比较运用中更好地掌握动词不同的用法。Language Lab是Grand Theatre的配套练习,所以应该结合在一起进行教学。Disneyland中的内容是一首小诗,所以可以放在每一节课之前进行诵读,以便学生逐渐学习,教师也可以找一些课外的儿歌补充教学内容。 教法建议:词汇教学方法。教学过程:一、词汇教学a. 上本课时正值春节后不久,教师可以围绕Spring Festival这个主题来展开本单元Wonderland的词汇教学。教师可以提问引出话题, Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. The date of Spring Festival is different every year. What was the date of this Spring Festival? What did you do this Spring Festival? Have the students say something about Spring Festival.教师继续说: Lets listen to a passage about Mingmings Spring Festival. b. 教师用讲故事的方法引出其他词汇的学习。 On Spring Festival Mingmings family had a party. The guests were some relatives of their family. They came from Nanjing. They arrived in Shanghai two days ago. They arrived at Mingmings house at ten oclock in the morning. Mingmings uncle gave Mingming a parcel. Wow, all kinds of chocolates! After lunch, Mingming and his cousins watched cartoons. Mingming has got a lot of cartoon discs on his CD rack. After that they played outside. They walked around a big tree and blew bubbles. They stopped playing when dinner was ready. They had a big meal. They all had a good time. c. 重点词汇引入: Who came to Mingmings house on Spring Festival? Some guests. They were relatives of their family.(guest) When did they arrive in Shanghai? They arrived in Shanghai two days ago.(arrive in Shanghai) When did they arrive at Mingmings house? They arrived at Mingmings house at ten oclock in the morning.(arrive at the house) Where are the chocolates? They are in the parcel. (parcel) Has Mingming got many cartoon disks? Where are they? Yes, he has. They are on the CD rack.(disk, rack) What did they do outside? They walked around a big tree and blew bubbles. (walk around, blow bubbles) d. 学习词汇后,教师可让学生小组讨论,发挥想象,将Wonderland中的词汇串联起来编成小故事。 二、句型教学方法:a. 这是小学阶段最后一次专门学习现在进行时,教师要帮助学生梳理有关知识。 b. 教师可先出示一些图片让学生用学过的现在进行时的特殊疑问句进行问答,初步回忆相关知识。 A: What is he/ she doing? B: He / She is A: What are they doing? B: They are c. 在初步回忆后,教师可系统地帮助学生梳理现在进行时的结构和动词-ing形式的变化规律。 现在进行时态结构:be+ v.ing 动词-ing 形式的变化规律: 一般情况下,动词后直接加-ing working buying saying 以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e加-ing taking having leaving 以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母加-ing shopping sitting getting 特殊变化 lie- lying d. 在知识梳理后,教师可通过练习帮助学生加以巩固。 写出下列动词的现在分词 drink- drive- eat- sit- have- stand- write- swim-e. 教师可在巩固相关知识后整体呈现本课Farmland中的Mini dialogue, 让学生听、理解、仿说并进行基本的问答操练。 f. 教师可在学生掌握Mini dialogue后提供语言材料,让学生围绕主要句型进行替换操练。 wash hands/ before meals brush teeth/ before going to bed go to school/on time listen carefully/in class talk to each other/ in the reading room 在替换操练后,教师可让学生自编小对话。 g. 教师可通过动词时态填空的练习帮助学生进一步比较和巩固现在进行时与其他时态在结构和功能上的区别。 Look! The boy in red_ (ride) a bicycle in the garden. We must _ (go to school) on time. Listen! The girls _ (talk) in the next room. Its ten oclock. The students _ ( have) an English lesson. Now I _ (skate) in the park. Five minutes ago I _(do my homework) at home. _ your father_(read) a newspaper? Yes, he is. It is Sunday. The Browns _ (swim) in the sea. But next Sunday they _ (climb) the mountain. 三、课文教学方法a. 这篇课文以生日聚会为主题,因此教师可在呈现课文前围绕这个主题开展一些 pre-question的讨论,为学习课文作铺垫。如: When is your birthday? How do you feel on your birthday? When is your mothers birthday? What gift are you going to give your mother on her birthday? b. 在birthday的话题讨论后,教师可引出课文, Today is Jennys birthday. Whats she doing? Lets listen to the tape. c. 课文中的生词在词汇教学中都已经学过,因此理解课文大意应该并不困难。在整体呈现课文后,教师可通过让学生回答问题来了解学生对课文内容的理解。 Who is arriving at Jennys house? Why do they come to Jennys house? Whats in the parcel? What are the children playing at Jennys birthday party? d. 在学生理解课文大意后,教师可让学生翻开书跟着录音仿说课文。在学生能流利朗读课文后教师可列出课文中的关键词,have a party, arrive at her house, give Jenny a parcel, sing “Happy Birthday”, blow out the candles
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