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冀教版五年级下册英语Unit 2Lesson 11 Tiananmen Square一、教学目标:知识目标:1. 使学生正确地说、读、写、用单词:loudly, quietly, easy, hard. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型:They are laughing loudly ./He is standing quietly .This is easy/hard 3. 能模仿课文在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做。能力目标:1. 使学生能把所学的单词运用到所学过的句子中去。2. 能运用本课所学的内容及以前学过的相关句子结合实际生活情况表达自己感情和意愿。情感目标:通过学习用英语在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做,把所学的语言与学生的生活实际结合起来,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习英语的能力以及交流和合作学习的能力。二、教学重难点:1. 使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:loudly, quietly, easy, hard.2. 能模仿课文在情境中描述自己的所见所闻所做。三、教学用具:单词卡片,风筝四、教学过程:Step1 Warming up1.T:Hello, Boys and girls.Sing a song: Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes2. Revision:1)T:Are you happy today ? Letplay a game: do the action follow my order .Boys stand up /girls sit down /boys laugh /gils walk/ children talk/sing/cry.Ss:OK.(listen and do the action and ) 2)Point to 复习表示身体各部位名称的单词arm, body, ear, elbow, eye, finger, foot, hand, head, knee, leg, mouth, nose, shoulder, stomach和toe.Step2 Presentation1. loudly They are laughing loudly T: Look at the picture.We can see some children .What are they doing ? S:They are laughing loudly .(动作)教loudly在教读过程中让学生read loudly .Listen and do.让学生sing loudly / laugh loudly 并引导学生说I am singing/laughing loudly . 2.quietlyT:(动作)Quietly please. Look .I am a cat now . I am walking quietly .教读quietly并通过音量让学生明白loudly quietly.Eg:Now, you sit quietly , you read loudly . 3 .easy, hard This is easy. This is hard.用做动作(轻跳、用力跳)来演示,this is easy ,this is hard .或者写两个难易单词,演示单词easy和hard。边做边说:This is easy. This is hard.(学生通过拿椅子桌子以及算式1+1=2 和123x456=?来体验This is easy. This is hard) easy和hard的教学.4. T.look!Whats this ?S:This is a kite . 出示短语fly a kite,教读(小组比赛读).(渗透关于风筝的文化历史)生上台演示.Lets fly a kite .5 .hurtT : (师放风筝时不小心碰对头) Oh ,no ,I hurt my head .教读hurt.让学生表演说句子。6.Read together: loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite . 1They are laughing loudly ./He is standing quietly .2This is easy/hard .Step 3 : Practise and Consolidation1.起立坐下T:Lets play a game. OK? Group1 are “loudly,” , Group2 are “quietly”.When I say “loudly” Group1 站着,其他组坐下。(先单词后句子,逐步增加难度。此活动要求练习学生的听力和对所学单词的迅速反应能力。说单词猜动作。 2.T :Well done! Our friend Danny and Jenny are playing on Tiananmen square . They are flying a kite .Can Danny fly a kite? Lets read the text and read loudly .3. Read the books,then answer the question:1) Where are Li Ming Jenny and Danny?2)What has happened?4.Pair work: 将全班分成若干小组,要求每组学生以走在天安门广场这内容编对话。(讲解关于天安门的文化历史)鼓励学生尽可能地多用本单元已学过的单词(easy, hard, quickly, slowly, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people)5.Do the excises6. 总结:一对反义词(easy, hard)、一 对副词(loudly, quietly)、一个短语(hurt ones -)出现。Step4 Class Closing.五、板书设计:Lesson11: Tiananmen Squareloudly I am loud. I am _ing loudly.quietly I am quiet. I am _ing quietly.easy This is easy/ hard.hard Its easy/ hard.六、课后反思:七、课堂教学资源: 天安门的历史天安门是中国的象征性建筑物,世界文化遗产北京故宫的正门,全国重点文物保护单位,全国爱国主义教育基地,天安门广场是全国红色旅游经典景区。位于北京城中轴线和东西长安街的交汇处。始建于明永乐十五年初称“承天门”,明朝时两次毁于雷击战火。天安门位于北京城的中轴线上的天安门,始建于明永乐十五年(14l7年)。原名承天门,以示皇帝“承天启运,受命于天”。清顺治八年(1651年)重建 后,改称天安门既包含了皇帝是替天行使权力。理应万世至尊的意旨;又 寓有“外安内和,长治久安”的含义。风筝的历史 中国风筝有悠久的历史,据说汉朝大将韩信曾利用风筝进行测量。梁武帝时曾利用风筝传信,但未成功。南北朝有人背着风筝从高处跳下而没有跌死。唐朝的张丕被围困时曾利用风筝传信求救兵,取得了成功。这些说明,中国风筝的历史至少有 2000 多年了 从唐朝开始,风筝逐渐变成玩具。到了晚唐,风筝上已有用丝条或竹笛作成的响器,风吹声鸣,因而有了 “ 风筝 ” 的名字。也有人说 “ 风筝 ” 这名字起源于五代,始于李邺装上鸣响竹笛的纸糊风筝。到了宋朝,风筝已有很大发展,风筝品种增加,性能提高,在民间浸染了浓郁的生活气息。历史上的风筝有宫廷风筝和艺匠风筝之分。 八、练习题:用适当的形式填空:1、 The man is quick. The man is walking 2、 The baby is loud. The baby is crying 3、 Danny is Danny is speaking slowly.4、 The children are The children laughing happily.5、 The students are quiet. They are sitting
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