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新世纪版五年级英语下册教案Unit 6 Holidays in Shanghai 第二课时预习:要求学生听farmland部分的录音,收集更多的表示天气状况的词汇和图片。 课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作,课堂练习的准备。课型:句型教学教学目标 基础性目标:学习有关短语: go to the funfair, go to Century Park, drink tea/coffee, buy Chinese knots/silk clothes, visit the Childrens Palace, show somebody around Shanghai. 能根据所提供的情景提问和回答。能根据不同情景谈论过去所做的事情。发展性目标:能在所提供的语言环境中灵活运用以上词汇与句型交际。通过小组的语言练习活动,初步养成用英语交流所做过的事情。活动过程教师活动学生活动教案调整Pre-task preparation1. A chant.What did you do last week?2. Questions and answersSay the chant together.Ask and answer in pairs.While-task procedure1. Ask the students to talk about Shanghai. 1) Did you go to Shanghai? When did you go to Shanghai? Where did you visit in Shanghai? 2) What do you think of Shanghai? Can you tell us some interesting places in Shanghai?3) Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China. It is developing very fast. So many foreigners visit Shanghai every day.2. Learn the mini dialogue1) Did you visit Shanghai?Where did you go last week?What did you do there?(在交流过程中学习书本上出现的短语)2) Make a dialogue about the journey in Shanghai.3. Listen to the dialogue.Students make a short dialogue in groups and then act in front of the class.Talk about Shanghai in English.Read a passage of Shanghai.Ask and answer about the passage in pairs.Talk about the places the students visited last week.Learn the phrases: go to the funfair, go to Century Park, drink tea, drink coffee, buy Chinese knots, buy silk clothes, visit the Childrens Palace, show somebody around ShanghaiWork in pairs.Say after the tape.Post-task activities1. Talk about Beijing.Did you go to Beijing?Do you know something about Beijing?Learn the phrases about Beijing.the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, some interesting places.2. Read a passage about Beijing.The students show the visitors around Beijing.Say something about these places.Fill in the blanks.Read the passage together.填空: I went to visit my good friend last month. She is a _ to Americans. She is Chinese. She showed me around Shanghai. Shanghai is a big and _ city. We went to _. Sometimes the students of Shanghai have their science lessons in it. We visited _ . Its a good place for _. We can buy many traditional things there. I bought a silk shirt. Because I like to wear _. And my good friend sent me a Chinese knot. She said: “_ show our feeling for each other.”We visited _. Its the tallest TV tower in Asia(亚洲)and the third tallest in the world. From the TV tower you can see_ . The Bund is a good place for_.
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