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(新世纪版)五年级英语下册教案Unit 9 School Wall Newspaper第二课时:Farmland教学目标1.知识目标:(1)掌握本篇语言材料中的重点词组、句子。(2)掌握tooto句式的结构及用法。(3)掌握so和neither 引导的倒装句的用法。2技能目标:(1)能够熟练地朗读本篇语言材料。(2)能够熟练地根据图片内容复述出这篇对话。(3)能够熟练地运用too.to.句式以及下列所给词组进行正确表达。(4)能够熟练地运用so和neither引导的倒装句。学生:要求学生在课前做好预习,听录音并朗读,以提高课堂上的学习效率。教师:根据教案内容制作一个ppt课件。 可以给学生一个鼓励和竞争的机制以提高学生上课投入度和回答老师提问的热情。如回答老师的问题得一颗星,能够朗读所有的单词得一颗星课后比比谁的星数最多。 尽可能多地给学生以时间练习tooto以及so/neither引导的倒装句,让学生做到熟练地运用为止。3.作业:对于基础较差的学生只要掌握Farmland中的主要词组,能熟练朗读这篇语言材料,能熟练运用所给词组进行tooto.句型的说话和书写练习即可;对于学习能力、基础较好的学生给予另外的图片让其看图说话、写话。课型:句型教学课堂活动:活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-task preparationDaily talk:What do people wear in summer? What is your school uniform like? Do you wear your school uniform every day? Whos on duty today? China is a large country. Do you agree with me? Is your dining room clean or dirty? What must you do in the reading room? What mustnt you do in the classroom? Where do you have your lunch? Why do lots of students have their lunch at school?Answer these questions复习wonderful中内容,训练学生回答问题的能力,用学生熟悉了的都能回答的问题来开始一节课可以减少学生对新授课的恐惧感,增加他们的自信心。While-task procedure活动11. Instruction: So (show them a video of a mini dialogue between two boys. I can play football. So can I)Questions: I can sing songs. Can you?I can write. Can you?I can jump. Can you? (show them a video of a mini dialogue between two boys. I like apples. So do I.)Questions: I like dogs. Do you like it? I have lessons every day. Do you have lessons every day? I have rice every day. Do you? 同上方式引出并学习So am I. So did I.让学生在操练中领会这个倒装句的结构和动词的不同用法。2. Instruction of the structure: Neither(show them a video of a mini dialogue between two boys. I cant fly. Neither can I. )Questions: I cant fly. Can you? I cant drive a car. Can you? I cant run faster than Liu Xiang. Can you? 同上方式引出并学习Neither do I, Neither am I. Neither did I. 让学生在操练中领会这个倒装句的结构和动词的不同用法。3. Instruction: the structure tooto (You try to put on a small coat. But it is too small to put on. You say to your students It is too small to put on) and show them the sentence and the structure and try to let them get to know it.)(1) Let students read the structure and the sentence.(2) Let somebody try to get an apple in your hand above his head. But dont let him get it. Then let someone make a sentence about it. (3) Do different activities like this and let students practice the structure.(4) Let students practice the structure with the words and phrases given below.4. Show them a picture of a small garden and ask them some relative questions.Questions: Is it a big garden or a small one? Do you like the garden? Why? Can you read books there? What kind of garden do you like?5. Listen to the tape first and then read after it.Get to know the meaning of the sentence and answer teachers questions with it. Get to know the meaning of the sentence and answer teachers questions with it.Get to know the meaning of the sentence and answer teachers questions with it.Get to know the meaning of the sentence and answer teachers questions with it.Get to know the meaning of the structure and the sentence.Practice the structure. Practice the structure.Practice the structure with the words and phrases given below.Answer these questions.Read the dialogue after the tape.用一段班级中同学的对话录像来引出So,学生可能更加感兴趣,也更直观更容易接受。用实物和现场表演的方式能更易于吸引住学生的注意力也更易于学生的理解。让学生参与表演则更能让他们感兴趣。为听力理解做一个小的铺垫。Post-task activities1. Retell the dialogue with the partner.2. Describe their own school garden/library/classroom in pairs and make a new dialogue.Retell the dialogueDo a description.训练学生的口语表达能力。教学反思:请您就课前预习要求、课堂教学设计、课堂生成动态资源利用、家庭作业布置、个别辅导等进行反思。本课时练习Exercise1: 根据中文提示完成句子1. I can jump up high. _(我也行)2. I cant run faster than Liu Xiang. _(我也不能)3. I like to play basketball. _(我也喜欢)4. I dont like dancing. _(我也不喜欢)5. I am a student. _(我也是)6. I am not a doctor. _(我也不是)7. I went to school on foot this morning. _(我也一样)8. I didnt watch TV last night. _(我也没看)9. I am _(太胖了而跑不快)10. We should _(保持这座城市干净)11. You _(是对的). I _(同意你的观点)12. I want _(使我们的教室更加干净)13. He _(喜欢拉小提琴)14. _(他的校服) is very nice. 15. He alway
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