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课题Moudule 6 unit1 A Postcard from New York 课型第一课时导学目标1.能够听、说、读、写本单元的单词:someday chopsticks soon 能够听、说、读、写本单元的句型:1).Damimg has got a chinese kind and fly it in the park.2)Ive got some chopsticks, but they are difficult.2.通过不同国家的人们使用的物品进行文化对比。3.通过合作学习使学生体验到合作的快乐。导学分析学生在已经初步掌握has got、have got 的基础上继续学习has got、have got的句型。重点难点对They are difficult 的理解。会运用基本句型。导学媒体录音机、卡片、课件主体板书Module 6unit1 A Postcard from New York.Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.I have got some chopsticks ,but they are difficult导 案学 案二次修注一、 warmming upstep1: Greetings Good morning boys and birls.T: What day is today ?Step2: sing a song.Modules 中的歌曲“I can speak English.”二、呈现课文中的重点句型并且练习句型:“I have got”和“Daming has got ”,以及对chinese kite 的理解。step1:理解chinese kite1. 师手拿kite的卡片介绍:This kite is from China . Its a Chinese kite.2再拿出stamp postcard 等卡片,说:“Its a Cinese stamp”Its a Cinese postcard”3.再拿起一个手提包说:Its a Cinese bag”4.也可以说:Its a American bag”Step2: 练习句型:“I have got”1). I have got a Cinese kite/stamp/ postcard /bag”等句子。2)引导学生用“I have got”的句型向同桌描述自己桌子或身边的物品,也可以重复刚才说过的句子。3)请一两组同学上来用“I have got a Cinese/ American/说句子,这些同学可以手拿讲台上的卡片或自己手中的物品说。Step3:练习句型“Daming has got ”.一 师手指黑板上的一个手中拿物品的学生向全班同ask“What has Yang Yuting got? ”二 如果学生不能答出,师引导说“She has got a Chinese kite” 多练习几个句子:如 A:“What has Wang bing got? ”B: “He has got an American kite”三 巩固练习“has got”句型,组织学生小组合作学习Step4:讲解句子“Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly in the park.”1).出示句子,领读句子,并随着学生的朗读的节奏匀速在黑板上画直线,每朗读一遍就画一条直线,如此反复直到速度最快为止。2)强调and连接的两个句子是并列关系。Step5: 讲解句子“Ive got some chopsticks,but they are difficult.”1)师手拿一双筷子问学生:“Whats this ?” 2)师说:“I am an English woman ,I have got some chopsticks ,but I can t use them well .”问学生“I can t use them well .”的意思。3)师接着说So they difficult.4)讲解:“I have got some chopsticks ,but they are difficult .”中 but 前后两句是转折关系。Step6: 完成SB的活动3讲清要求:1) 读书上的示例,然后把左栏中的短句搭配上“and”或“but”和右栏中的短句组成大句子。五拓展练习Step1:给Laura回复一张明信片 师提示以下问题帮助学生完成明信片上书写的内容1、 Do you want Laura to be your pen friend?2、 Can you use chopsticks well?3、 Have you got a book about Amenica?4、 Do you miss Daming?六Summary七Homework1.Copy new words five timesS:Good morning teacherS:Its Monday Ss: Sing a song. “I can speak English.” S: read “Its a Chinese kite. Ss:Read “Its a Cinese stamp/ postcard /bag”等句子 Ss: Read “Its a American bag”Ss: Read 左边的这些句子 Ss: I have got a Cinese pencil/box等互相说。其余同学边听边做出判断台上的同学说得是否正确学生试answer 多跟读此句子Answer the questions. 三人一小组,一生手拿物品one ask “What has XXX got? ” another answer:”XXX has got a Chinese.”Read the sentences(多次)(可以边读边做动作) Ss: answer:“They are chopsticks” Ss: Answer the sentence 的意思跟读句子多次1 读书上的示例,然后把左栏中的短句搭配上“and”或“but”和右栏中的短句组成大句子2.先分组练习3.再请个别学生读句子,全班判断正确与否Ss: guess Ss:齐读课题1. 先四人小组讨论2. 请自愿者口头讲述他们给Laura 的回信。3. 课下学有余力的学生完成明信片内容的书写。 导学后悟:课题Moudule 6 unit1 A Postcard from New York 课型第二课时导学目标1.复习“havegot”的用法 2.通过不同国家的人们使用的物品进行文化对比3.通过合作学习使学生体验到合作的快乐。导学分析学生在已经初步掌握has got、have got 的基础上继续学习has got、have got的句型。重点难点对They are difficult 的理解。会运用基本句型。 导学媒体录音机、卡片、课件主体板书Module 6unit1 A Postcard from New York.Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.I have got some chopsticks ,but they are difficult导 案学 案二次修注一、 warmming upstep1: Greetings Good morning boys and birls.T: What day is today ?Step2: sing a song.Modules 中的歌曲“I can speak English.”二、呈现课文中的重点句型并且练习句型:“I have got”和“Daming has got ”,以及对chinese kite 的理解。step1:理解chinese kite2. 师手拿kite的卡片介绍:This kite is from China . Its a Chinese kite.2再拿出stamp postcard 等卡片,说:“Its a Cinese stamp”Its a Cinese postcard”3.再拿起一个手提包说:Its a Cinese bag”4.也可以说:Its a American bag”Step2: 练习句型:“I have got”1). I have got a Cinese kite/stamp/ postcard /bag”等句子。2)引导学生用“I have got”的句型向同桌描述自己桌子或身边的物品,也可以重复刚才说过的句子。3)请一两组同学上来用“I have got a Cinese/ American/说句子,这些同学可以手拿讲台上的卡片或自己手中的物品说。Step3:练习句型“Daming has got ”.四 师手指黑板上的一个手中拿物品的学生向全班同ask“What has Yang Yuting got? ”五 如果学生不能答出,师引导说“She has got a Chinese kite” 多练习几个句子:如 A:“What has Wang bing got? ”B: “He has got an American kite”六 巩固练习“has got”句型,组织学生小组合作学习Step4:讲解句子“Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly in the park.”1).出示句子,领读句子,并随着学生的朗读的节奏匀速在黑板上画直线,每朗读一遍就画一条直线,如此反复直到速度最快为止。2)强调and连接的两个句子是并列关系。Step5: 讲解句子“Ive got some chopsticks,but they are difficult.”1)师手拿一双筷子问学生:“Whats this ?” 2)师说:“I am an English woman ,I have got some chopsticks ,but I can t use them well .”问学生“I can t use them well .”的意思。3)师接着说So they difficult.4)讲解:“I have got some chopsticks ,but they are difficu
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