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苏教牛津版四年级上册英语Unit 9 whats the matter?第一课时Unit 9 Whats the matter? (the first period)一、教学内容Read and say; Look,read and learn二、教学目标 1.能听得懂、会说、会读句型:Whats the matter? Come and have some cakes.2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty其中ill ,hungry ,thirsty 要求会拼写。三、教学重点和难点1.能听得懂、会说、会读句型:Whats the matter? Come and have some cakes.2.能听得懂、会说、会读单词ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty其中ill ,hungry ,thirsty 要求会拼写。四、课前准备光碟、单词图片五、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动A Free talk1.Sing a song Go to school2.Say a rhyme:Dont be late again 3.Greetings .音乐激趣,唱歌热身。 4.TSSing a song.Say a rhyme.师生操练问答。BReview师引导学生复习形容词hot ,cold ,hungry ,thirsty .并充分利用表情体态进行练说,为学生新单词作好准备。复习单词。CPresentation and practice 1.顺承上面的形容词的复习,通过动作表情引出新单词:ill ,tired ,hungry ,thirsty .(1) 通过师作病状引出单词ill ,正音诵读后引导学生拼读记忆。师生边表演边练说:Im ill .(2) 同法学习单词tired ,hungry ,thirsty .选择表演能力强的学生在课堂上表演。(3) Practice .a.Listen and do 师说单词,学生作出相应的动作。 b.Look and say .师做动作,学生说出相应的单词。2.介绍句型1)Learn the new dialogues .Whats the matter ?/Are you ?a.在上面Listen and do游戏中,在学生作出疲惫后,师适时故意问:Whats the matter ?Are you ill ? 从而引出句型,师出示并正音领读数遍后,引出答语:No ,Im tired .b.师生操练对话,采用师生问答,学生间Part work,Group work .Pair work.进行操练。2)介绍Come and /Im not Im /Heres a for you .等句型。a.师指名一生到板前,让生作出口渴状,师叫生:Come and have some cakes ,.在学生未懂时,出示句子,学习单词cake ,并明白词句意思。师正音领读数遍后,再问那生,并引导学生回答出:Im not hungry .Im thirsty .b.师生相互间交替问答操练,并加上动作表演。c.师指名一生,师问:Come and have some cakes ,(师手拿食物图片)生答:Im not hungry .Im thirsty .师顺势拿出一杯水图片,并引出句子:Heres a glass of water for you .在引导学生学习词组a glass of water后,师生间,学生间进行问答操练。学习ill学习tired,hungry,thirstyPractise学习Whats the matter ?/Are you ?Im tired.操练句型。学习Come and /Im not Im /Heres a for you .等句型。DShort restSing songs: Go to schoolWhats the matterSing songs.EListen to the tape 1.看光碟。2. Listen to the tape and think over : 1)Whats the matter with Liu Tao ?2) What does he want to do ?3.Look at the books,Read after the tape.4.Act the dialogues.看光碟。听录音回答问题。Read after the tape.Act the dialogues.六、板书设计Unit 9 Whats the matter?Whats the matter?Are you ill?No ,Im tired .Come and have some cakes .Im not hungry .Im thirsty .Heres a glass of water for you .七、作业设计1.听课文录音,并读课文3遍。2.抄写所学单词2遍。八、课后反思在教学单词时,通过形象的图片来展示热、冷的感觉,让学生更好地理解单词的含义,并能在Listen and do中学会用自己的肢体语言来表现感觉类单词。同时我还通过让学生学会帮助别人,在以前学习的基础上用Heres afor you.来帮助别人。如,教师说Im hungry.Who can help me?学生马上用Heres a cake for you.Heres a hamburger for you.来帮助我,在师生互动的情况下,学生乐于说,乐于讲。
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