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Headstone墓石Headstone墓石A lawyer named Strange was shopping for a tombstone. After he had made his selection, the stonecutter asked him what inscription he would like on it.一个姓Strange的律师去买墓碑。他选好了以后,石匠问他,要在墓碑上刻什么碑铭。Here lies an honest man and a lawyer, responded the lawyer. Sorry, but I cant do that, replied the stonecutter.律师回答:“这里长眠着一个诚实的人,一个律师。”“对不起,我办不到,”In this state, its against the law to bury two people in the same grave.石匠说,“要是这样的话,违反了一个坟墓只能埋葬一个人的法律。However, I could put here lies an honest lawyer But that wont let people know who it is protested the lawyer.不过,我会刻上:这里长眠着一位诚实的律师。律师抗议:“但是那样人们就不知道这里埋葬的是谁啊!”Certainly will, retorted the stonecutter. people will read it and exclaim, Thats Strange!“当然知道啦,”石匠反驳道,“人们看到会惊呼太奇怪了!”英语单词学习:1 Headstonen. 基石;墓石eg:He stares down at the headstone for a moment, then hoists the shovel up and smashes it into the earth. 他凝视着墓碑石,过了一会,举起了铲子向地上的泥土猛地铲下。短语Living Headstone 永垂不朽的墓碑granite headstone 花岗岩墓石Headstone Lane 首石里站Decorated Headstone 华丽的墓碑Ossuary Headstone 埋骨处之杯About His Headstone 关于他墓碑To Sell american headstone 供应标题Tombstone & Headstone & Gravestone 供应2 stonecuttern. 石匠;琢石机;石工eg:The stonecutter inscribed the date on the tombstone.这石匠把日期刻在墓碑上。短语The Stonecutter 石匠stonecutter chiesel 石工凿Line Stonecutter 电脑仿形线条机Stonecutter Bridge 昂船洲大桥stonecutters hammer 石工锤to guide a stonecutter 引导切石工stonecutters chisel 石凿stonecuttershammer 石匠锤Yoshi the Stonecutter 石匠阿良
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