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Psychiatrist精神病医生Psychiatrist 精神病医生Jerry went to a psychiatrist. Doc, he said, Ive got trouble.杰瑞去看精神病医生。“医生,我有些不对劲。Every time I get into bed, I think theres somebody under it. Im going crazy! Just put yourself in my hands for one year, said the shrink. Come to me three times a week, and Ill cure your fears. How much do you charge? A hundred dollars per visit. Ill sleep on it, said Jerry.每次睡觉的时候,我都感觉有人在床下。我要疯了!”“给我一年时间,”医生说,“每周来三次,我会治好你。”“费用是多少呢?”“每次一百美元。”“我会认真考虑的。”杰瑞答道。Six months later the doctor met Jerry on the street. Why didnt you ever come to see me again? asked the psychiatrist.六个月后医生和杰瑞在街上相遇了,“为什么你再也没来呢?”医生问。For a hundred bucks a visit? The bartender cured me for $10. Is that so! How? He told me to cut the legs off the bed! Aint nobody under there now!“一次一百块钱吗?有个酒吧服务生收了十块钱就把我治好了。”“真的?他怎么做到的?”“他让我把床腿锯掉。现在那没人了!”英语单词短语学习:1 Psychiatristn. 精神病学家,精神病医生eg:He and his wife live in North Carolina, where he is a psychiatrist.他和妻子住在卡罗莱纳州北部,他是一名精神病医生。短语Forensic Psychiatrist 学专家The Psychiatrist 精神病专家 ; 精神病医生A psychiatrist 心理医生 ; 精神病学家 ; 心理学家 ; 精神科医生Attending Psychiatrist 精神医学博士chief psychiatrist 精神病医师Frontier Psychiatrist 唱片名My Psychiatrist 我心理医生Geriatric Psychiatrist 老年人精神病专家army psychiatrist 军队心理医生 ; 陆军精神病学家 ; 军队精神科医生2 bartendern. 酒保,酒吧间销售酒精饮料的人;酒吧侍者eg:An exchange relationship is all about what you get out of it, the kind of amicable alliance one forges with a client or bartender.在交换关系中,其全部是你从中获得什么,像那种和睦的联盟客人或是酒吧招待。短语Hey Bartender 嘿 ; 酒保elements bartender 元素酒吧调酒员Restaurant Bartender 西餐厅调酒师Certificated Bartender 考取此协会专业证书Bartender Angle 范晓萱stepping bartender 垫条Bartender Video 调酒视频Barman Bartender 酒保Bartender FandBBartender 调酒师
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