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TellmewhenwegetthereTell me when we get there到那站时,请告诉我ls this stop Bloomington ? an old lady asked the busdriver.有个老妇人问公共汽车司机:“这站是布鲁明登吗?”No, maam, the driver replied.司机回答:“不是的,太太。”We, please tell mo when we get thsre, she requested.“那么,我们到那站时,请告诉我。”她说。Ill do that, promised the driver.“我会的。”司机保证说。Later, the driver got careless and passed through Bloomington before he realized it. He apologized to the other passengers,turned around ,and drove back. Then he said to the old lady :This is the town where you wanted to get out. Who wanted to get out? she asked The driver said, You did. “No ,she said, my daughter told me that when I pass through this town,l should take my pills.后来,司机不小心忘了这件事,等他想起来的时候,汽车已经开过了布鲁明登。他向其他乘客道歉,掉转车头,开了回去。然后他对老妇人说:“这就是你要下车的那个城镇。“谁要下车?”她问。司机说:你啊。啊“不。”她说:“我女儿跟我说,当我经过这个城镇时,我就该吃。
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