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StPetersQuestion圣彼德的问题St Peters Question 圣彼德的问题Three men, a doctor, an accountant and a lawyer are dead and they appear in front of St Peter. St Peter tells them that they have to answer one question in order to get to Heaven.有三个人死了,分别是一名医生、一名会计和一名律师。他们来到了圣彼德面前。圣彼德对他们说,如果他们想进入天堂,就得每人回答一个问题。He looks at the doctor and asks, There was a movie that was made about a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg, what was its name?圣彼德看着医生开始发问,“以前电影院放过一部电影,说的是一艘船撞击冰山后沉没,电影的名字是什么?”The doctor answers, The Titanic and he is sent through.医生回答,“泰坦尼克号”,医生随即被允许进入天堂。He then looks at the accountant and say, How many people died in that ship?然后圣彼德看着会计说,“船上有多少人遇难?”。Fortunately the accountant had just watched the movie and he answers, 1500!. St Peter sends him through and then finally turns to the lawyer and commands, in a very heavy voice, Name them!.会计很走运,因为他刚看过这部电影,回答道,“1500人遇难。”圣彼德把会计也放进天堂了。最后,圣彼德转过身,看着律师,非常严肃地用命令的口吻问道,“把1500人的名字都说出来?”英语单词短语学习:1 accountantn. 会计师;会计人员eg:The boss dropped an accountant from the payroll.老板把一名会计师从在职人员名单中除了名。2 commandsn. 计 命令,计 指令eg:He commanded his troops to attack.他命令他的部队进攻。短语Configuration commands 配置指令 ; 配置命令Voice Commands 语音命令 ; 语音指令 ; 由声音指令操作 ; 声音指令User Commands 户命令 ; 普通用户常用的命令 ; 用户命令Bookmark commands 书签命令Batch commands 批处理命令AT commands AT指令commands full 任务已满RADIO COMMANDS 无线电指令 ; 无线电通讯Basic Commands 基本命令
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