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Things To Remember If You Want To Be Truly Happy如果你想真正的幸福需要记住的事情1. Never dwell on the past永远不会停留在过去Your past is just a story. Everyone has a past often full of pain, disappointment, missed opportunities, and unfulfilled expectations. No matter what your past looks like, its just a story so dont let it influence you. Make the present meaningful.你过去只是一个故事。每个人都有过去,常常充满了痛苦,失望,错失良机,未能实现的期望。不管你的过去是什么样子,这只是一个故事,所以不要让它影响你。使目前过得有意义。2. Never focus on whats missing; look at what you actually have.永远不要关注你缺失了什么,看看你得到了什么。Be grateful for what you have. You could waste hours counting the things you would like to improve, which would only take you away from appreciating your real life. Gratitude puts situations into perspective and rewires your mind toward a positive direction.感激你所拥有的。你可能会浪费时间计算你想改善的东西,这只会让你远离感激你的现实生活。感激之情让你的处境变得明朗,让你的思想向积极的方向发展。3. Never underestimate quality time with yourself.永远不要低估你自己的黄金时间。Dont confuse happiness with excitement; a lasting joy of life grows when your mind is in peace. Making time for yourself is as important as devoting time to your everyday duties. Regular meditation, sport, contact with nature, and quality (offline) time spent reading will help you reconnect with yourself and hear your intuition again.不要将快乐和兴奋混淆,持久的快乐的生活会出现在在和平的心态中。给自己花时间同致力于日常职责一样重要。定期冥想,运动,接触大自然,和放假读书的时间会帮助你和自己联系起来,再次聆听到你的直觉。4. Never stop improving yourself.永远不要停止提升自己。We are all different, and there is no perfect direction or path to our personal evolution. The whole point is to become the best version of YOU, and never stop taking lessons from your own life experiences.我们都是不同的,没有完美的个人发展方向和路径。重要的是成为你的最好的版本,而且从不停止从自己的生活经历中学习。5. Never be too harsh on yourself.永远不要对自己过于苛刻。Many of us are our own hardest critics, constantly diminishing every success. Accept that you will never be ideal and see this as okay. In the process of self-development, embracing your own vulnerabilities has been scientifically proven to be a key component of happiness.我们中的许多人是我们自己的坚硬的批评者,成功不断递减。接受你永远不会理想,认为这是好的。在自我发展的过程中,拥抱自己的缺陷已经被科学证明是幸福的一个关键组成部分。6. Never lose a sense of purpose in what you are doing.永远不要失去在你正在做的事情的目的。Your time and life power are limited, so spend them wisely and target your energy towards something meaningful. Finding a purpose helps you live a bigger life.你的时间和生命力量是有限的,所以明智地消磨它们和让你的能量花在一些有意义事情上。找到一个可以帮助你生活得更好的目标。
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