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城镇化要改变五大滞后状况(Urbanization should change the five lags)Urbanization should change the five lagsThe main problem facing Chinas urbanization now is the defects in the quality of urbanization. Improving the quality of urbanization is the key to the healthy development of Chinas urbanization, so we must take quality as the center to further promote urbanization. The main problem in China urbanization quality is now facing urbanization lags behind the non-agricultural population; population urbanization lags behind the urbanization of land; urbanization lags behind industrialization and economic development lags behind the industrialization and modernization of agriculture; urbanization; urban construction lag in urbanization. Therefore, the main task of improving the quality of urbanization and promoting the healthy development of urbanization should be to gradually eliminate the lag situation of these five aspects.The population urbanization lags behind the population non - agriculture, which is mainly manifested as half urbanization phenomenon, which is a prominent problem in the quality of urbanization in china. In the full sense of urbanization, farmers should be employed in cities and towns and become citizens at the same time. The so-called semi urbanization refers to the farmers have been migrant workers, realize the conversion, but the identity or peasant, no realization of the public, not the public, and urban residents equal rights and welfare benefits do not enjoy, this is now the state of Chinese migrant workers, farmers showed that urbanization lags behind peasants non agriculture the problem is especially prominent, migrant workers. In 2012, the urbanization rate of 52.6% was incomplete and water, which included some half urbanization population. If only the population of urban household registration, Chinas urbanization rate is now less than 40%. Although the beginning of reform and opening up urbanization lag situation has greatly improved, but there is still no fundamental change in the situation must also focus on the promotion of migrant workers especially the new generation of people of migrant workers, the elimination of semi urbanization phenomenon.The urbanization of the population lags behind the urbanization of the land, and the main reason is that the urbanization of the peasants lags behind the urbanization of the rural land. Urbanization refers to farmers to non-agricultural employment and become public, land urbanization refers to the agricultural land into industrial and commercial land use, this is the inevitable trend of industrialization and urbanization, the process of industrialization and urbanization is the farmers and rural land urbanization. The two must be appropriately coordinated development, otherwise, not too much occupied farmland, resulting in the waste of land resources and a large number of no land, no job and no social security farmers, serious impact on food security and social stability, the farmers is too much, resulting in excessive city, have a serious urban diseases and rural disease, forming a large area of Slums, leading to the rural decline. Therefore, we must correctly handle the relationship between farmers and rural land urbanization, and realize the coordination and rationality between the two. This is more important for people with more land and less land, per capita arable land is much lower than the world average, the contradiction between people and land is very acute, the number of farmers is huge, and the problem of agriculture, countryside, farmers and farmers is particularly important. Over the past 30 years since the reform and opening up, Chinas urban built-up area has expanded by 4 times, but the urban population has only increased by 1.6 times. According to relevant research, China now has tens of millions of three noes farmers. Thus, the growth rate of rural land urbanization is much faster than that of farmers urbanization.Industrialization is the engine of urbanization, urbanization is the promoter of industrialization, and the two must coordinate development and push forward simultaneously. If the urbanization advance, will cause excessive urbanization, serious urban disease and rural disease; if the urbanization lags behind, it will delay the process of industrialization. In 2011, China calculated according to the proportion of gross domestic product industrialization rate is 46.8%. The conversion rate is 89.9%, calculated according to the proportion of employment of the industrialization rate is 29.5%. The conversion rate is 65.2%; according to the migrant workers, including urbanization rate is 51.27%, according to the calculation of the town household population urbanization rate is only about 35%. This shows that Chinas urbanization level is still lagging behind industrialization and economic development on the whole,Still need to actively and steadily push forward urbanizati
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