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How to keep yourself better every day?如何让自己的每一天都更好?There are many useful things we can do each day to feel better. It may take some efforts and time to make a habit of drinking 8 glasses of water daily or thinking more positively, but its well worth it. You will have more energy and health to achieve your goals and live your life to the fullest! What things do you do every day to feel better?每天有我们可以做很多有用的东西使我们感觉更好。可能需要一些努力和时间的养成每天喝8杯水的习惯或更积极的思维,但它是值得的。你会有更多的能量和健康来实现你的目标和生活的充实!你每天都做些什么来使自己感觉更好?Probably the healthiest thing you can do to feel better each day is to exercise early in the morning. You dont have to run the whole morning or spend a few hours in the gym. Even doing several easy exercises like walking, sit-ups or jumping the rope will help you feel better in no time! Plus, exercise is good for your health and waistline.也许你能感觉最健康的事是每一天都在清晨锻炼。你不必跑整个上午甚至花几个小时在健身房。做一些简单的运动,如散步仰卧起坐或跳绳子将帮助你感觉更好!另外,锻炼对你的健康和腰围有好处。Again, due to our busy schedules, we dont get enough sleep each night (Im no exception!). Its one of my worst habits Im trying to break because I realize that lack of sleep kills my health. If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid watching TV or surfing the Internet right before bed. Also, try to make healthy bedtime snack choices and dont drink tea or coffee too late in the day.同样,由于我们繁忙的日程安排, 每天晚上我们没有足够的睡眠 (我也不例外!)。这是我试图打破的一个坏习惯,因为我意识到缺乏睡眠会杀死我的健康。如果你入睡困难,避免在睡前看电视或上网。同时,试着做睡前健康吃的选择,不要喝茶或咖啡太迟了。If you drink 3 glasses of water, 4 glasses of coffee or tea and a glass of soda each day and think that you drink enough water, think again. Your body needs water (not coffee or soda!) to function properly. Aim to drink 7-8 glasses of water each day, and see how you feel. Not only will you feel better, youll become healthier as well.如果你喝3杯水,4杯咖啡或茶,每天一杯苏打水,认为你喝足够多的水,再想想。你的身体需要水(不是咖啡或苏打水!)来正常运行。每天喝7 - 8杯水,看看你的感觉如何。不仅你会感觉更好,你会变得更健康。Perhaps it sounds obvious and even boring, but most of us make unhealthy food choices. You have busy schedules, lots of household chores and many other things to tackle every single day. Its one of the reasons why you usually look for easier food choices, not healthier. However, eating healthy is not as difficult as you think. Once you start making smart food choices, you will never want to reach for that bag of potato chips or carton of your favorite ice cream. Sticking to a healthy diet will help boost your energy levels, improve your health and keep your weight under control.或许听起来很明显的,甚至是枯燥乏味的,但我们大多数人做出不健康食品的选择。你有繁忙的日程安排,很多家务和许多其他的事情来应对每一天。这就是你通常寻找容易食物的原因之一,不健康。然而,健康饮食并不像你想象的那么难。一旦你开始做出明智的食物选择,你将永远不会想要得到袋薯片或纸箱里你最喜欢的冰淇淋。坚持健康的饮食习惯能帮助提高你的能量水平,改善你的健康和控制你的体重。When you are productive, you feel happier. When you feel happier, you feel better. And when you feel better, you can get more things done in a day. Stop watching TV, skip social media, avoid gossips, and try to do more useful things during the day. Dont forget to make you to-do list in the morning. It will help you stay organized and accomplish your tasks with less stress.当你效率高时,你会感到快乐。当你感到快乐,你感觉更好。当你感觉更好,你可以在一天内完成更多的事情。停止看电视,忽略社会媒体,避免流言蜚语,尽量在白天做更有用的事情。别忘了在早晨使用你的待办事项清单。它将帮助你保持组织和完成你的任务和更少的压力。Vitamins play an essential role in keeping your body healthy, so make sure you get your vitamins each day. While the best way to get all essential vitamins in through your diet, you can also opt for a multivitamin. Before you take any multivitamin, you should consult your doctor to find out all of the vitamins your body need.维生素在保持你的身体健康起着关键作用,所以确保你每天获得维生素。在获得所有必要的维生素的最佳方式通过你的饮食,你也可以选择多种维生素。在你采取任何维生素时,你应该咨询你的医生,找出所有你的身体需要的维生素。Ive always believed that positivity is the key to a longer life. Positive thoughts can help boost your energy level and improve your overall health. Life is full of stressful situations and its hard to stay cheerful when everything goes wrong, but your positive attitude can help you solve any problem and fight any stress faster and easier. Your positive attitude is especially good for your heart health. Smile, stay positive and live a longer life!我一直相信,积极是长寿的关键。积极的思想可以帮助提高你的能量水平和提高你的整体健康。生活充满了压力,事事不顺心的时候很难保持开朗,但是你积极的态度可以帮助你解决任何问题,对抗压力更快和更容易。积极的态度尤其对心脏健康有益。微笑,保持积极和更长的生活!
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