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小学四年级下册 Unit 3 My day 知识汇总一、 单词:四会:usually通常 morning早晨,上午 afternoon下午 homework 家作 watch 观看 evening晚上 home家三会:lunch午饭 dinner 晚饭 night 夜里二、 词组:四会:1、有四节课have four lessons 2、在上午 in the morning3、做家作 do my homework 4、在周六 on Saturday5、六点十五 six fifteen 6、在周六下午on Saturday afternoon7、在六点三十 at six thirty 8、周四上午Thursday morning9、在七点整 at seven oclock 10、一只饥饿的狮子a hungry lion三会:1. have breakfast with me和我吃早饭 2.meet Miss Li at five在五点钟遇见李老师3.over there 在那边 4.every day每天5.sleep a lot 睡的很多 6.have lunch吃午饭7.have dinner 吃晚饭 8.play basketball 打篮球三、 句型:四会:1. When do you play basketball in the afternoon?你下午什么时候打篮球?I play basketball at three forty. 我在三点四十打篮球。2. I usually read the book at eight in the evening.我常常在晚上8点看书。3. I go to bed at nine.我九点睡觉。4. I have four lessons on Friday morning.我在周五早上有四节课。三会:1. What can you see over there?在那边你能看见什么?I can see a parrot.我能看见一只鹦鹉。2. What a big bird! 多么大的一只鸟啊!3. This rubber is nice!这块橡皮真漂亮!四、 语音:e, ee / i:/ me she we he Chinese these evening zebra green sleep three tree meet sweet特殊:coffee 中 ee发短音/ i /
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