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金牌奥赛天天练小学英语三年级超级试卷(十七)姓名 班级 第八阶段 句法日常会话第四十三天 陈述句【知识备忘】A. 掌握英语句子的特点和句子的种类; 英语中的句子是表达一个完整意思的,每个句子开头的第一个单词的第一个宇母必须大写。句子末尾用句号、问号或感叹号。句子的种类有:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。B. 掌握陈述句的概念和构成: 1陈述句叙述事实。陈述句中通常主语在前,谓语在后,一般用降调。 2陈述句有肯定和否定两种形式,如果句子动词和not连用,即构成否定句。 3书写陈述句时,应在句末用句号(小圆点)表示。【能力聚焦】例1 将下列句子改成否定句。1. I am student2. I can see you.解答 1I am not a student. 2I can not(或cant)see you.题型透视 这道题考查否定句的构成。高分方略 肯定句子动词和not连用,即构成否定句;但要注意am not不能缩写,其它的都能缩写,如are not=arent; is not=isnt等。例2 将下列单词连成陈述句。1. apple, I, an, have2. apple,is,the,not,red解答 1. I have apple 2. The apple is not red.题型透视 这道题考查英语句子的书写以及肯定句和否定句的构成即顺序。高分方略 首先要掌握英语句子书写的特点,以及肯定句和否定句的构成:即主语在前,谓语在后;not位于be动词后,构成否定句。【触类旁通】仿做1 将下列句子改成否定句。1. Thats an English car.2. My friends are here.3. Jim is in Class Two仿做2 将下列单词连成陈述句。1. her, these, pictures, are2. is, my,this,Jim,friend3, in,is,pen,a,English,this,not【天天精练】习题1 下列各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1. Is Miss Gao our teacher.2. Jim not is a new student.3. he and she are in Row 14. Two and Two is four5. Lucy and I are not 12.习题2 将下列否定句改成肯定句。1. The bird isnt in the tree.2. Those boys arent Chinese.3. I cant have two eggs 第四十四天 疑问句【知识备忘】A. 进一步掌握陈述句。B. 掌握疑问句的概念和构成: 疑问句用以提出问题,句 用问号。疑问句有四种:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反意疑问句和选择疑问句。我们目前要掌握的,就是前面两种。 1一般疑问句用来询问某事是否是事实,通常要用yes或no来回答。它的结构是将be 动词放到句子开头,句末加“?”。句尾用升调。一般疑问句有肯定回答(Yes,主+be)和否定回答(No,主+be+ not)两种。要注意:在肯定的简略回答中,主语和be动词不能缩写,如Yeshe isYes hes等。 2. 特殊疑问句就是以疑问代词(who,what,whose, which等)和疑问副词(where,how等)引导的疑问句,它要求对方对所提问题做出具体的回答,而不能用Yes或No作简略回答。句尾用降调。【能力聚焦】例1 将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。1. This picture is good.2. Tom and I are friends.解答 1. Is this picture good? 2. Are Tom and you friends? Yes, it is. Yes, we are. No,it isnt. No, we arent题型透视 这道题检查一般疑问句掌握的情况。高分方略 首先掌握一般疑问句的构成:将be动词移到主语即句首前;作回答时,具体分析各句,看看人称是否需要变动,如2设想一下:对面有人问你(you)这个问题,你用什么人称回答we.例2 对下列句子的划线部分提问。l. Thats a good book2. My mother is at home.解答 1. What is that? 2Where is your mother?题型透视 这道题检查特殊疑问句掌握的情况。高分方略 首先要根据划线部分确定正确的疑问词,然后将be动词移到主语前、疑问词后,即按一般疑问句顺序,最后检查句首字母是否大写,句尾标点是否为“?”。【触类旁通】仿做1 将下列句子改成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1. This clock is yellow.2Tom and Jack ate students3. Its seven oclock bow.仿做2 对划线部分提问。1. Peter is nine.2. The taxi is red3. Miss Gao is my teacher.4. Im fine.5. Yingings uncle is very tall【天天精练】习题1 指出下列疑问句属于哪一类,读升调()还是降调()。1. Which woman is your mother?2. Is that woman your mother?3. What class are you in?4. May I go home now?5. Are those cats white?习题2 从(B)栏中选出与(A)栏相符的答句。 A B( ) 1. How are you? A. She is seven.( ) 2. Whats the time? B. Yes,I am.( ) 3. How do you do? C. Finethanks.( ) 4. Is Mike English? D. How do you do?( ) 5. How old is Kate? E. Its seven.( ) 6. What color is this? F. Its yellow.( ) 7. Are you Li Lei? G. Hes my brother( ) 8. Whos that boy? H. Yeshe is.参考答案第四十三天 仿做 1:1. Thats not(That isnt)an English car. 2. My friends are not(arent)here.3. Jim is not(isnt) in Class Two. 仿做 2:1.These are her picture. 2. This is friend Jim. 3. This is not a pen in English. 习题1:1.句末改成问号(或将is放到Miss Gao后面。) 2. not isis not3. heHe 4.第二个two改为Two 5iI 习题2:1. The bird is in the tree. 2. Those boys are Chinese. 3. I can have two eggs.第四十四天 仿做 1:1. Is this clock yellow? Yes, it is. No,it isnt 2. Are Tom and Jack students? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 3. Is it seven oclock now? Yes,it is. No, it isnt 仿做 2:1. How old is Peter 2. What color is the taxi? 3. Who is Miss Gao ? 4. How are you? 5. Whose uncle is very tall? 习题1:1.特殊疑问句,降调 2. 一般疑问句,升调 3.特殊疑问句,降调 4.一般疑问句,升调 5.一般疑问句,升调 习题2:CEDIAFB
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