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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Alcohol: A Dangerous and UnnecessaryMedicine, How and Why, by Martha M. AllenThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.orgTitle: Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers SayAuthor: Martha M. AllenRelease Date: October 4, 2008 EBook #26774Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: ISO-8859-1* START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ALCOHOL *Produced by Bryan Ness, Deirdre M., and the OnlineDistributed Proofreading Team at http:/www.pgdp.net (Thisbook was produced from scanned images of public domainmaterial from the Google Print project.) * * * * *TRANSCRIBERS NOTE: Every effort has been made to replicate this text asfaithfully as possible; please see detailed list of printing issues atthe end of the text. * * * * *ALCOHOLA DANGEROUS AND UNNECESSARY MEDICINEHOW AND WHYWhat Medical Writers SayBYMRS. MARTHA M. ALLENSuperintendent of the Department of Medical Temperancefor the National Womans Christian Temperance UnionPublished by theDEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL TEMPERANCE OF THENATIONAL WOMANS CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNIONMARCELLUS, NEW YORKCOPYRIGHT, 1900. * * * * *CONTENTS.INTRODUCTION 5PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION 7CHAPTER I.HISTORY OF THE STUDY OF ALCOHOL. Discovery of distillation-First American investigator of effects of alcohol-Medical Declarations-Sir B. W. Richardsons researches-Scientific Temperance Instruction in American Schools-Committee of Fifty 9CHAPTER II.THE WOMANS CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION INOPPOSITION TO ALCOHOL AS MEDICINE. How the Opposition began-Memorial to International Medical Congress-Origin of Medical Temperance Department-Objects of the department-Public agitation against patent medicines originated by the department-Laws of Georgia, Alabama and Kansas on Medical prescription of alcohol 21CHAPTER III.ALCOHOL AS A PRODUCER OF DISEASE. Alcohol a poison-Sudden deaths from brandy-Changes in liver, kidneys, heart, blood-vessels and nerves caused by alcohol-Beer and wine as harmful as the stronger drinks-Alcohol causes indigestion-Other diseases caused by alcohol-Deaths from alcoholism in Switzerland 28CHAPTER IV.TEMPERANCE HOSPITALS. The London Temperance Hospital-Methods of treatment-The Frances E. Willard Temperance Hospital, Chicago-As a beverage in the pledge-Address by Miss Frances E. Willard at opening of hospital-The Red Cross Hospital-Clara Barton and non-alcoholic medication-Reports of treatment in Red Cross Hospital-Use of Alcohol declining in other hospitals 37CHAPTER V.THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL UPON THE HUMAN BODY. The body composed of cells-Effect of alcohol on cells-Alcohol and Digestion-Effects on the blood-The heart-The liver-The kidneys-Incipient Brights disease recovered from by total abstinence-Retards oxidation and elimination of waste matters-Lengthens duration of sickness and increases mortality 58CHAPTER VI.ALCOHOL AS MEDICINE. Medical use of alcohol a bulwark of the liquor traffic-Alcohol not a Food-Alcohol reduces temperature-Food principle of grains and fruits destroyed by fermentation-Alcohol not a Stimulant-Experiments proving this-Alcohol not a tonic-Professor Atwater on Alcohol as Food 96CHAPTER VII.ALCOHOL IN PHARMACY. Strong tinctures rouse desire for drink in reformed inebriates-Glycerine and acetic acid to preserve drugs-Non-alcohol tinctures in use at London Temperance Hospital-Sale of liquor in drug-stores condemned by pharmacists 131CHAPTER VIII.DISEASES, AND THEIR TREATMENT WITHOUT ALCOHOL. Alcoholic Craving-Anmia-Apoplexy-Boils and Carbuncle-Catarrh-Hay-Fever-Colds-Colic-Cholera-Cholera Infantum-Consumption-Displacements-Debility-Diarrhoea- Dysentery-Dyspepsia-Fainting-Fits-Flatulence-Headache- Hemorrhage-Heart Disease-Heart Failure-Insomnia-La Grippe-Measles-Malaria-Neuralgia-Nausea-Pneumonia-Pain After Food-Snake-bite-Rheumatism-Spasms-Shock-Sudden Illness-Sunstroke-Typhoid Fever-Vomiting 140CHAPTER IX.ALCOHOL AND NURSING MOTHERS. Beer not good for nursing mot
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