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核战生存知识(Nuclear war survival knowledge)Nuclear survival manual, the international situation is tense, like me, in the Chinese patch of English blind friends to kill time.20 years have passed since the end of the cold war, and many have yet to experience the shadow of nuclear holocaust. Still, we are facing a head-on threat of nuclear attack. The global political cranky, over the past 20 years of human destruction. In the history of mankind forever echoed with the sound of drums. As long as nuclear weapons remained in the world, there must be the possibility of a nuclear attack.So, it is possible for human beings to escape from the nuclear war? We can only guess about this question. Some people say that someone may say it is impossible. For some people, especially for densely populated cities, it seems like only a dead end. Even if there is a chance of survival, this opportunity must be for those who are adequately prepared for the nuclear attack and for logistical preparations. So how do you survive a nuclear war? Where is the right place to take refuge?stepOne, always pay attention to news trends. Hostile countries do not suddenly launch nuclear attacks. Before the outbreak of nuclear war, there must be a sign of the worsening political situation. Two hostile countries if you have nuclear weapons, and conventional war between the two is difficult to form a clear result, then it is likely to trigger a nuclear war; in addition, only in a certain area of the nuclear attack will soon expand to a full range of nuclear war.But nuclear attacks by terrorist groups do not have these harbingers. When there is no enemy situation, the possibility of such attacks have almost no expansion for the comprehensive nuclear war.Many countries have developed a rating system for emergency attacks.Attached: Chinas combat readiness level:- level four combat readiness: that is, when a major incident abroad or a major abnormality occurs around our country, it may have a great impact on our countrys security and stability.- level three combat readiness: the tense situation. When there are major anomalies in the surrounding areas and the possible threat to our country constitutes a direct military threat, the combat readiness of the troops is in place.- level two combat readiness: the readiness of the troops when the situation worsens and constitutes a direct military threat to our country.- a war: the situation is extremely tense, for signs of war in China is very obvious, the troops at combat readiness.)Two, understand nuclear weapons as much as possible.Fission bomb (A-Bombs): the most basic nuclear weapon that can now be classified as another weapon type. The atomic bomb on the neutron energy source of heavy nuclei (plutonium or uranium) bombardment of the enormous energy of plutonium or uranium nuclear fission, releasing more neutrons, and by the generation of neutron induced nuclear chain reaction at.Fission bombs are the only nuclear bombs ever used on the battlefield. With the development of fission atomic bombs, the fission bomb has become a history. At present, all armed countries have this kind of atom bomb.Fusion type atomic bomb / hydrogen bomb (H-Bombs): uses fission high temperature when the atomic bomb explodes, uses as the spark plug, heats up the deuterium and the tritium, pressured it to melt, and releases the huge energy. Fusion based nuclear weapons are often referred to as thermal nuclear weapons because the fusion of deuterium and tritium must be done at very high temperatures. The weapon has several times more power than a nuclear bomb detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Electronic weapons, EMP Weapons:EMP weapons, explode at high altitudes to form powerful electronic impulses, which then destroy electronic and electrical equipment. A radio receiver, a hermetically sealed metal canister (Faraday canister) flashlight can provide effective protection for the electronic equipment in place as long as the electronic equipment is not in contact with the Faraday cylinder. The metal shield must be fully surrounded by the electronic device and must be grounded.Since the EMP field will still form voltage on the solid state circuit board in the shield, the protected device shall be insulated from the case (at least 2 inches apart). If the device is far from the explosion point,Then the original such as space blanket (a light metal foil, $2) that can be used as a good Farad, placed in the space blanket can form an effective protection for cotton and wrapped in newspaper after electronic equipment.You can also wrap a cardboard box in silver foil, copper foil (preferred) (second choice) or aluminum foil, the equipment which will be placed and shell grounding protection.Other kinds: nuclear science has been developing underground for the sake of national security. So this entry is not served. But nuclear free EMP weapons, as well as
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