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班级:_ 姓名:_ 二年级英语1-3课测试试卷成绩:_听力部分一、听录音,写出你所听到的字母。(10分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、听录音选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1 .A.library B.classroom C.room( )2. A.cool B.do C.up( )3. A.well B.music C.art( )4. A.sing B.dance C.fly( )5. A.leg B.arm C.shoulder( )6. A.hand B.foot C.head( )7. A.robot B.hall C.foot( )8. A.knee B.small C.big( )9. A.long B.look C.drink( )10. A.eat B.is C.paint三.听录音,选出你所听到的词组或句子。(10分)( )1.A.a music room B.an art room( )2. A.a computer room B.an ice cream ( )3. A.your school B.my school( )4. A.Lets play. B.Lets study.( )5. AI like your school . B.Your schools cool.( )6. A.Is there a library? B.Ia there a dining hall.( )7. A.This is my robot. B.Look at my robot.( )8. A.short legs B.short arms( )9. A.big shoulders B.big feet( )10. A.It has a head B.It has small hands.四.听录音,用1、2、3、4、5、6给下列图片排序。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五听录音,判断下列句子,与录音内容一致的画,不一致的画。(10分)( ) 1.Theres an art room.( ) 2.Is there a playground? No, there isnt.( ) 3.We sing and dance in the music room.( ) 4.It has no arms.( ) 5.Look at my robot. It has long legs.六听录音,连线。(10分) 1.Is there a library? A.We line up and sing. 2.What do you do in the playground? B.Yes,there is.3.Whats in your box? C.Theres a book.4.How do you come to school? D.Im eight.5.How old are you? E.I come to school on foot.七听录音,选择正确的单词填空。(10分)1Is there a _ in your school? (computer room/swimming pool) Yes, _ is .(it /there)2.What do you do in the _? (playground/dining hall) We _. (drink/line up)3.We _ and _ in the art room.( eat /draw/paint /drink)4.It has no _ (arms/head). It has short_ (feet/legs). 5.It has _ (a big head/big hands). It has small _ (knees/shoulders).笔试部分(30分)一 读单词,勾出正确的图片。(10分)1.It has a big head. A. B. 2.It has small shoulders. A. B.3.It has long legs. A. B.4.We paint in the art room. A. B.5.We play in the playground. A. B.二 根据中文意思,圈出正确的句子。(10分)1. 有一间图书馆吗?A. Is there a library?B. Is there a music room?2. 是的,有。A. Yes,there is.B. No,there isnt.3. 你们在音乐室做什么?A. What do you do in the music room?B. What do you do in the dining hall?4. 我们唱歌和跳舞。A. We eat and drink.B. We sing and dance.5. 你的盒子里有什么?A. Whats this?B. Whats in your box?三 根据情景或问句选择正确的答句,将相应的编号填在括号里。(10分) 1.当有人来到你的学校,你应该说:( ) A.Welcome to my school. B.Welcome to your school. 2.你想询问别人他所在的学校是否有一个游泳池,应该说:( ) A.Is there a computer room? B.Is there a swimming pool? 3.你想建议同伴一起学习,你会说:( ) A.Lets paint. B.Lets study. 4.如果你不会画画,应该说:( ) A.I cant draw. B.I can draw. 5.你的机器人有长长的胳膊,应该说:( ) A.It has short legs. B.It has long arms.听力录音材料一、 听录音,写出你所听到的字母。1. Rr 2.Ss 3.Ff. 4.Gg 5.Tt 6.Nn 7.Ww 8.Qq 9.Yy 10.Vv二、 听录音选出你所听到的单词。1. library 2.cool 3.music 4.fly 5.shoulder 6.foot 7.robot 8.big 9.long 10.paint三.听录音,选出你所听到的词组或句子1.an art room 2.a computer room 3.my school 4.Lets study. 5.Your schools cool. 6.Is there a library? 7.Look at my robot 8.short legs 9.big feet 10.It has a head四.听录音,用1、2、3、4、5、6给下列图片排序。1.Theres a library in my school. 2.I can sing and dance in the music room.3.Is there a computer room?Yes,there is. 4.We study in the classroom.5.We play football in the playground. 6.I can paint and draw.五听录音,判断下列句子,与录音内容一致的画,不一致的画。 ( ) 1.Theres an art room.( ) 2.Is there a dining hall? No, there isnt.( ) 3.We sing and dance in the music room.( ) 4.It has no hands.( ) 5.Heres my robot. It has long legs.六听录音,连线1.Is there a library? Yes,there is.2.What do you do in the playground? We line up and sing.3.Whats in your box? Theres a book.4.How do you come to school? I come to school on foot.5.How old are you? Im eight.七听录音,选择正确的单词填空。 1Is there a computer room in your school? Yes, there is . 2.What do you do in the playground? We line up. 3.We draw and paint in the art room. 4.It has no head. It has short legs . 5.It has big hands . It has small knees .
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