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.单元主题Unit 1 Welcome to our school.第 一 周第 1课时课 题Lesson 1主备教师于艳教学容分析本课是人教版(精通)小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 Welcome to our school. Lesson 1. 本单元的主要容是围绕学校的各个功能教室及其用途来进行日常交际。根据本班的教学实际情况,教师创造性使用了教材,调整了教学顺序,先讲Lesson 2,再讲学习Lesson1. 因此本课为本单元的第2课时,本课通过设置foreign visitors来校参观,Li Yan and Gao Wei作为带领客人参观小向导,向客人介绍学校的图书馆和会议室的真实情景,引出学生的目标语言:Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library.通过学习,再从对话的整体上让学生能感知,模仿,学习和体验,最终引导学生在生活情景中运用目标语言进行交际,并培养学生从了解学校到热爱学校的积极情绪。学情分析经过一个漫长的假期之后,学生依然沉浸在与同学重逢的喜悦之中,因此本课容可通过认识新同学的方式顺利展开。由于五年级同学已经有过两年的英语基础,因此采用旧的容引出新知是本课学习的主要策略。教学目标(依据以下几个维度设计:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略文化意识、情感态度)语言知识:能够听,说,读,写library, meeting room, borrow books, have a meeting能够听说认读句型: Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library.语言技能:能在真实情景运用句型介绍自己的学校,进一步巩固表达欢迎某人到学校参观的语言。情感态度:培养学生主动用语言交流的能力,引导学生积极与他人合作,教育学生礼貌待人,公共场所保持安静。学习策略:在快乐中学习英语,在游戏中完成教学目标,激发对英语学习的积极性和趣味性。教学重难点能够理解对话容。能够运用以下句子在适当的情境中进行简单交流 Do you often come to the library? Yes, we often borrow books from the library.教学方法及手段充分利用愉快教学法、情境教学法、任务型教学法、小组合作法,指导学生主动参与合作与交流,注意倾听他人发言。教学过程(按Preparation-Presentation-Practice-Production-Summary流程设计)教学环节师生活动设计意图时间Step 1 Warm upStep 2 PresentationStep 3 PracticeStep 4Language useStep 5 Assessment1. Brain storming. Revise words about school. e.g book, pen, ruler, class2. Sing a song . Welcome to our school. 1.Introduce your friends to the class:- This is my friend- Nice to meet you.2. Show a picture of the library of our school: - Let me show you around. This is our library. - Do you often come to the library? - Yes, we often borrow books from the library.- This way, please. This is our meeting room.- Do you often have meetings here?- Yes.Well have a meeting in it this afternoon.通过师问生答引入新知,生问师答理解新知,最后过渡到生生问答,巩固新知。 Students practice the dialogue in groups.1.Show the picture of Lesson 1. Talk about it.2.Answer the following questions:Do they often come to the library?What do they do in the library?Students listen to the tape and repeat.3. Practise reading the passage in groups. 4. Act out the dialogues in pairs.Talk about your schools, introduce your school to the visitors, and show them around.Act out the dialogue in groups.Give the students proper assessment.Make a short summary. Praise the winner groups and encourage the other groups.通过两首歌曲进行复习并对本课起到必要的 铺垫作用,同时引领学生快速进入英语学习氛围。倡导合作学习的模式,让全体同学都参与其中,特别是让学困生能够参与其中。1)回归教材,系统学习教材容。2)面向全体,合作学习,并及时得到同学和老师的帮助。3)检查学生对教材容掌握情况。让学生体验真实语言运用的过程,并在运用过程中创新展示,获得成就感。通过不断的鼓励表扬,激发学生学习的热情与成就感,小组加分机制对学生每天的学习都有激励作用。5 min8 min12 min10 min3 min作业布置1. Practice the dialogue of Lesson 1. 2. Preview Lesson2.板书设计 Unit 1 Welcome to our school. Lesson 1Ill show you around our school. This way, please.Do you often? Yes. We often课后反思1、亮点:2、不足:3、改进:组长:庆华 主任:王洪霞 校长:虹 检查日期:单元主题Unit 1 Welcome to our school.第 一 周第 2课时课 题Lesson 2主备教师于艳教学容分析本课是人教版(精通)小学英语五年级下册Unit 1 Welcome to our school. Lesson 2. 本单元的主要容是围绕学校的各个功能教室及其用途来进行日常交际。根据本班的教学实际情况,教师创造性使用了教材,调整了教学顺序,先讲Lesson 2, 因此本课为本单元的第1课时,本课通过介绍如何带领客人参观学校,向客人介绍学校的图书馆和会议室的相关表达方式,引出学生的目标语言:Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library.通过学习,再从对话的整体上让学生能感知,模仿,学习和体验,最终引导学生在生活情景中运用目标语言进行交际,并培养学生从了解学校到热爱学校的积极情绪。学情分析大部分学生都能够听懂教师的指令,也能看懂教师肢体语言,并做出相应的反应。学生能用 英语表达自己的思想,但学生缺乏用英语组织语言能力。用英语思维的能力。需要教师不断地引领;用英语表达学过的简单的句子,需要输入大量的英语语言。教学目标(依据以下几个维度设计:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略文化意识、情感态度)语言知识:能够听,说,读,写library, meeting room, borrow books, have a meeting能够听说认读句型: Welcome to our school. We often borrow books from the library.语言技能:能在真实情景运用句型介绍自己的学校,进一步巩固表达欢迎某人到学校参观的语言。情感态度:培养学生主动用语言交流的能力,引导学生积极与他人合作,教育学生礼貌待人,公共场所保持安静。学习策略:在快乐中学习英语,在游戏中完成教学目标,激发对英语学习的积极性和趣味性。教学重难点Welcome to our school!We often borrow books from the library.教学方法及手段充分利用愉快教学法、情境教学法、任务型教学法、小组合作法,指导学生主动参与合作与交流,注意倾听他人发言。教学过程(按Preparation-Presentation-Practice-Production-Summary流程设计)教学环节师生活动设计意图时间Step 1 Warm upStep 2 PresentationStep 3 PracticeStep 4Language useStep 5 AssessmentStep 6 Homework1. Act out the dialogue of Lesson1 in groups.2. Brain storming. Revise words about school.1.Use pictures to learn the new words and phrases school, classroom, library,borrow books, meeting room, have a meeting 2. Practise the new words and phrases in the sentences: We often in the (We often have meeting in the meeting room.)3.Ask and answer in pairs.Learn the new sentence:- We often in theStudents practice in pairs with pictures. Make up sentences according to the
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