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实现经济发展与生态保护双赢(Achieve win-win situation in economic development and ecological protection)Achieve win-win situation in economic development and ecological protectionThere is a close relationship between economic development and ecological protection. Economic development provides material conditions for ecological protection, and is an important basis for ecological protection. Ecological protection creates conditions for economic development and is an important support for sustainable economic development. However, in reality, there is a phenomenon that separates the two, or even against each other. Therefore, must - -Properly handle the relationship between economic development and ecological protectionCorrectly dealing with the relationship between economic development and ecological protection is the internal requirement of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development. To carry out the Scientific Outlook on Development, we must adhere to the people oriented principle, adhere to a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development view, and promote the overall development of the economy, society and people. To deal with the relationship between economic development and ecological protection, in essence, is to deal with the relationship between good people and nature, and to achieve sustainable economic and social development. Therefore, economic development can not be at the expense of resources and environmental costs, to achieve in the development of protection, in the protection and development, strive to maintain the harmony of man and nature, to form the organic unity of economic development and ecological construction, and promote sound and rapid economic and social development.Properly dealing with the relationship between economic development and ecological protection is the need to deal with the problems of resources and environment. My district has adopted extensive mode of economic growth for a long time. Despite the great economic development, the economic structure has been unreasonably improved and the ecological environment has been paid a heavy price. This makes our regions scarce coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, land and other non renewable resources more unbearable weight, become a bottleneck affecting economic development, and directly threaten the lives and health of the people. The protection of the ecological environment has become the most important task of our district in the future.Correctly dealing with the relationship between economic development and ecological protection is the need to cope with the international financial crisis. The extensive economic development mode of high consumption, heavy pollution and low efficiency caused serious ecological damage, environmental pollution, economy in a fragile state, in the face of crisis, exposed the ability to resist external risks is not high, lack of development potential problems. At the same time, in international trade, it is difficult to win in the competition by consuming a large amount of resources with low added value products, but it suffers the greatest impact. Therefore, the ecological protection, vigorously develop new industries, improve the utilization rate of resources, in order to take time for the crisis, to maintain stable and rapid economic growth.Properly handle the relationship between economic development and ecological protection, we must implement and embody -Promoting the benign interaction between economic development and ecological protectionThe benign interaction between ecological protection and economic development, is to protect the ecological economic development, economic development in the protection of ecology, both gold and silver, but also beautiful scenery, to achieve economic development and ecological protection of the win-win.First, establish a win-win concept of economic development and ecological protection. This is the ideological basis for achieving a positive interaction between economic development and ecological protection. Thought determines action, and action determines action. In reality, the relationship between economic development and ecological protection has not been properly handled, and the idea is an important reason. We should improve our understanding and change our concepts. Resolutely abandon the pollution first, treatment later, pollution and treatment and protection, development concept, set up to protect the environment is to promote economic development, economic development should pay attention to the ecological environment, advance the concept of economic development and ecological protection win-win development concept. We must correctly realize that the emphasis on ecological protection is not to give up development or slow down development, but to achieve high quality, high efficiency development and overall coordination and sustainable development, and that coordination and development between protectio
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