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高中英语必修4教案Module 1 Life in the futureThe First Period【Teaching Content】Introduction & Vocabulary【Teaching Aims】Knowledge & ability:1. Talk about life in the future.2. Learn and master the words.Process & approach: Teacher help student to master the words and practice them orally.Emotion and valuation:Students can learn the different possibilities in the future.【Important Points】Get students to know the life in the future.【Difficult Points】How to help the students know the life in the future.【Teaching aids】A computer and blackboard 【Type of teaching 】new lesson 【Teaching methods】Task-based teaching【Teaching arrangement】The First Period of Module 1【Teaching Procedures】Step I: Lead-in Teacher: read read the quotations for the studentsStudents: answer the questions of Activity 1Step II: New words Teacher: read and explain the new words for the studentsStudents: 1. Learn the words in Activity 1 of Vocabulary.2. Match the words and phrases in the box.Step III: ReadingTeacher: give students instruction of reading. Students: Read the emails in Activity of Introduction.Step IV: PracticeTeacher: give students instruction of doing the exercise. Students: Rewrite the sentences using British words in Activity 2.【Design for blackboard】Module 1 Life in the futureThe First PeriodIntroduction & Vocabulary【Assignment】1. Recite the new words. 2. Preview the reading text.【Rethinking after class】 This lesson is to arouse the interest to the life in the future. Sthdents can memorize some commom words . And they are interested in learning them.高中英语必修4教案Module 1 Life in the futureThe Second Period【Teaching Content】Reading 【Teaching Aims】Knowledge & ability:Develop the students reading ability and reading skills.Process & approach: Teacher help student to master the words and practice them.Emotion and valuation:Students Learn more about the life in the future【Important Points】1. Train the students reading ability and develop their reading skills.2. Enable the students to understand the text better【Difficult Points】How to improve the students reading skills.【Teaching aids】A computer and blackboard 【Type of teaching 】new lesson 【Teaching methods】Task-based teaching【Teaching arrangement】The Second Period of Module 1【Teaching Procedures】The Second PeriodTeaching Procedures:Step I: GreetingsStep II: Revision Review the words learnt last class.Step III: Lead-in Teacher: Give the instruction.Students: Check the true statements in activity1.1) People from Hong Kong can understand people from Beijing.2) People from Shanghai sound the same as people from Xian.3) Chinese characters can be understood by all speakers of Chinese.4) American English is very different from British English.5) People from Britain cant understand people from America.Step IV:. Reading the title Teacher: Ask the students look at the title of each paragraph and get the topicsSs. Do the Activity 2.Step V: Skimming Students: Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Step VI: ScanningTeacher: Let students read the text again and finish Activity 3Students: Analyzing the text1) Read the first paragraph and finish the form. 2) Read the second paragraph and finish the form. 3) Read the third paragraph and finish the form 4) Read the forth paragraph and check the following statements. 5) Read the last three paragraphs and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.Step VII: Understanding Ss: Find the sentences in the passage which difficult to understand.Teacher: Paraphrase the sentences.Step VIII: SummmaryTeacher and students summarize the Language points together.Step IX: PracticeTeacher: Put the students into groups of three or four to discuss the questions in Activity 6.Students: One of the representatives of each group to show. They should explain the reasons for the answers.【Design for blackboard】Module 1 life in the futureThe Second PeriodReading【Assignment】1. Read the reading text aloud.2. Finish Activity 4.【Rethinking after class】This lesson is a reading lesson, which aim is to develop the students reading ability and reading skills. Stuents can understand the text but read it a little slowly. I think studnets can improve their reading skills by practice.高中英语必修4教案Module 1 Life in the futureThe Third Period【Teaching Content】Grammar & Function 【Teaching Aims】Knowledge & ability:1. Review of verb forms.2. Learn the expressions of giving reasons.Process & approach: Teacher help student to master verb forms.Emotion and valuation:Students can speak politely in giving reasons.【Important Points】1. Master the use of present simple, present continuous, present perfect and future reference.2. Learn the expressions of giving reasons.【Difficult Poi
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