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小升初英语每日一练(44)一.完成句子1. 我希望一切进展顺利。I hope everything _ _ .2. 大桥附近有两家工厂已十多年了。_ _ _ two factories near the bridge.3. 千里之行,始于足下。A journey always _ _ the first step.4. 步行去花园花了我1个小时的时间。_ _ _ one hour _ _ to the park.5. 我认为这个项目不应该匆忙的进行实验。I _ _ this subject _ _ _ _ in such a hurry.二.任务型阅读Passage 1Banana Milkshake(Enough for two big glasses of milkshake) Two bananas Two spoons(150g)of ice cream 125ml of fresh milk Chocolate , cream and fruitDont ask your mother for help with this one! Its very easy and it takes two minutes to make. Put thebananas in the blender (搅拌机) with the ice-cream and the milk. Blend for about 10 seconds. Pour it into aglass. Put some cream, chocolate and fruit on top. Its nice and cold with that ice cream in it so drink itquickly. Enjoy it!Passage 2Smokers-please read this carefully.Next Monday is No Smoking Day. Every year in Britain 100,000 smokers stop smoking on No SmokingDay.Do you want to feel good? look good? smell good? save money?You know that smoking is bad for you. It is bad for your heart and your lungs. It can give you cancer. It alsocosts a lot of money. It is not cool. How many top football players smoke? (Answernone.)So write it in your day plan.Monday is a big day for youits the day you stop!Passage 3Its difficult to talk to your friends or family about health problem. And its very difficult to find information inbooks or magazines. So why not try the Internet? There are thousands of websites about health. You canget articles by doctors and information about support (援助) groups. In a support group, you can talk toother people with the same problem. But be careful there are also a lot of advertisements (广告). Forsomething serious, of course you MUST go to your doctor. But information is always a good thing. Checkthe Internet first, then talk to your doctor.1. How much ice cream does the milkshake have?_2. How many steps do we need to make the banana milkshake?_3. What harm will smoking do to your health if you smoke?4. Where can we get information about health according to Passage 3?5. When must you go to your doctor according to Passage 3?_
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