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Unit 3 What Will You Do this summer Lesson 13 Summer Is Coming 用英语写出下列单词或短语1.叶子 2.云 3.电扇 4.失去 5.有时 6.坐在太阳下 7.进行运动 翻译句子 1. 我喜欢坐在太阳下。 2. 有时我喜欢看云彩。 3. 树有新叶子。 4. 夏天天气热。 连词组句1. play, sometimes, my, I, with, sports, friends .2. fly, sometimes, a, I, kite .3. the, what, are, colour, leaves ?4. have, any, many, dont, leaves, trees . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.1 like to swim (swim).2. The weather is (snow).3. What (happen) to trees in different seasons?4. Many (tree) dont have (some) leaves 根据课文内容填空There are seasons in a year. is the first season .Its . Trees have new . I can kites .The weather in js very hot. Trees have green leaves. In autumn, trees their leaves. In winter, its cold. Many trees have any leaves.参考答案 用英语写出下列单词或短语1. leave 2. cloud 3.fan 4. lose 5. sometimes 6. sit in the sun 7.play sports 翻译句子1. I like to sit in the sun.2. Sometimes I like to look at the clouds.3. Trees have new leaves.4. Its hot in summer. 连词组句1. Sometimes I play sports with my friends.2. Sometimes I fly a kite.3. What colour are the leaves?4. Many trees dont have any leaves. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1.swim 2. snowy 3. happens 4. trees 5.any 根据课文内容填空1. four 2.Spring 3.warm 4.leaves5.fly 6. summer 7. lose 8. dont
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