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四年级上册第六单元英语测试 姓 名_ 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出和你听到的内容。(10分)( )1. A. cupB. clockC. coffee( )2.A. bathroomB. bedroomC. living room( )3.A.flyB. fishC. fridge( )4.A. noodlesB. nineC. nice( )5.A. grapeB. greatC. glass( )6.A. wouldB. whereC. what( )7.A. comeB. carC. cup( )8.A. a glass ofB. a cup ofC. a snack bar( )9.A. riceB. juiceC. sandwich( )10.A. tableB. teaC. ten二、听录音,选出你所听到问句的答句。(5分)( )1. A. Its in the bathroom.B. Hes in the bathroom.C. Shes in the bathroom.( )2.A. Yes, please.B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, this is.( )3.A. Thank you.B. Here you are.C. A hamburger, please.( )4.A. Yes, I do.B. How nice.C. A sandwich .( )5.A. Yes, I am.B. Two.C. Yes ,I do.三、听录音,判断所听内容与下面句子意思是否相符,相符的写,不相符的写。(5分)( )1. Id like a hamburger and a glass of coffee.( )2.What about a glass of tea? xK b1. Com( )3.Helens bedroom is nice and big.( )4.Sam would like a hamburger.( )5.Id like some doodles and a sandwich.四、听录音,补全对话。(10分)1. A: What_ _ _ you like? B: Id like some _ _ _.2. A: What about some_ _ _ _? B: No, I d like a _ _ of _ _ . 3. A: Anything else, Wang Bing? B: Id like some _ _ and _ _ .4. A: How many _ _ _ do you have in your home? B: I have _ _ _.5. A: Look at my _ _ _. B: Oh, its very big. 书面部分(70分)一、翻译下列短语。(10分)1.一杯茶 2. How many hamburgers 3. 两杯牛奶 4. What a big sandwich! 5.许多面条 6. Can I help you? 7.我想要 8.Anything else? 9.一些米饭 10.给 你 二、从下列单词中找出不同类的一项。(5分) ( )1.A .milk B. noodles C.tea D.juice( )2.A .orange B. mango C.apple D.coffee( )3.A. rice B. tea C.pie D.cake( )4.A .glass B. door C.window D.table( )5A.jump B. skate C.swim D.home三、选择题。(15分)( )1. Do you have grapes?.A. some B. a C.any( )2.- This is _ mother ,I think(认为). - No. Shes _aunt Mrs Black .A my; your B your ;your C. your; my ( )3.-What would you like ? - _A I like hot dogs. B A cup of coffee,please. C. Yes , please.( )4.- How many _do you have? -One.A milk B boxes C . apple( )5.- Look _ my bedroom. - _big!A. at; What B to; Its C .at; How( )6. -What _you have? - I have twelve_.A do; hamburger B can ;rice C do; sandwiches( )7.Im hungry. Id like _.A some tea B. a sandwich C. some coffee( )8.-Wheres Mum? -_A Its in the bathroom. B. Hes in the bathroom. C Shes in the bathroom.( )9.Id like tea A. a B.an C.a cup of( )10. Here some rice for us. A. is B.are C.am ( )11. A:_would you like? B: _like some noodles. A.Whats ; I B What ; Id C How ; Id ( ) 12. A: What _ you like ? B: Some rice ,please. A do B. would C. are( ) 13. Id like some noodles._you? A What are B How are C What about ( )14. A: Can I help you ? B: Id like a cup _coffee. A.of B under C in ( ) 15.A: A glass of milk ,please. B: _else? A: No, _.A. Anything ; it isnt B. Something ; thanks C. Anything; thanks四、情景匹配。(10分)( ) 1. What would you like ? A: I have a hamburger.( ) 2. Would you like a hamburger? B: I like hot dogs.( ) 3. Do you like coffee? C. What a big egg!( ) 4. How many pies do you have? D. Theyre in the kitchen.( ) 5. Where are my pies? E. No, I cant( ) 6. What do you like? F. Me too.( ) 7. Id like an ice cream. G. Some fish, please.( ) 8. Can you swim well? H.Yes, I do.( ) 9. What do you have? I. Yes, please.( ) 10. Look at my egg. J. I have thirteen. 五、根据中文提示,完成句子。(13分,每空1分)1.你想要什么? What you ?2.来个鸡蛋怎么样? an egg?3.你问对方会游泳吗?对方回答不能。应该这样说: you ?No, I
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