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(苏教牛津版)四年级英语上册教案 unit7 第一课时教学内容:A Read and say .教学目标:能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词open ,read .能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Open your books ,please .Dont open the door。并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句。能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Thats all right .Dont be late again .教学进程:A Free talk .Greetings.Sing a rhyme: Fly ,fly my kite B. Presentation and practice 介绍生词open ,read .介绍句型Open your books,please .Dont open the door .请事先安排的一位学生进教室,说:Sorry ,Im late .May I come in ? 教师回答: Thats all right .Come in ,please. Dont be late again .(多重复此句,让学生理解意思并学说)。教师说指令,学生做相应的动作,同时教师多用boys and girls称呼全班学生。T:Boys and girls ,stand up ,please /Sit down,please /Open your books,please .其间穿插引入新内容Read the new words /Draw in your book.教师出示教学图片,放录音,整体呈现对话内容。对Dont draw in your book .这句话稍作解释,并指导学生朗读。在能流利朗读的基础上,学生四人一组表演对话。C Read and say .出示本文挂图,请学生看图再听对话录音,告诉他们接下来会听到一些跟课文内容有关的句子,要他们正确判断这些句子是否与对话内容相等。Liu Tao is late for class .Miss Li says: “Thats all right .Come in ,please .”Mr Green says: “Dont be late again .”Mr Green says: “Stand up ,Nancy.”再放一次录音,录音放完后,可把以上句子重复一遍给学生听,让他们检查自己的答案是否正确。最后,教师投影出示上面的句子,再让学生听一遍录音。这样学生便可一边听录音一边看句子。2学生自己朗读课文,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。生表演对话。D Consolidation .T: Simon says: “Stand up .” (执行命令)。S:听听做做。T:Open your books.(不执行。)Simon says: Open your books (执行)Very good .Close your books (不执行)(有部分同学执行了命令)T:Sorry ,youre out /Sorry ,youre wrong .E Assign homework .听录音,朗读和表演对话。根据所学对话内容自编小对话。板书设计:Unit 8 In class .read Dont read the new words .open Open your books ,please.
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