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院感知识(Sense of school knowledge)Iii. Hospital feeling section1. What are the two types of hospital infection?Answer: exogenous infection (cross infection), endogenous infection (autoinfection).2. What are the main measures to reduce endogenous infections?Answer: reasonable or limit the use of antibiotics.What are the main measures to reduce exogenous infections?Answer: sterilization sterilization, aseptic operation, prevent isolation.4. What should be the correct time, place and method of preoperative preparation of the surgical operation?Answer: the day of operation, operating room, scissors cut or use hair agent.5. What are the four most common types of bacteria and the largest number of bacteria?Answer: respiratory tract, digestive tract, genitourinary tract, skin.6. What is the outbreak of hospital infection?A: in patients with medical institutions or their departments, more than 3 cases of the same hospital infection occurred in a short period of time.7. What are the two main ways to find out the outbreak of hospital infection?A: 1. Prospective surveillance of infection cases; 2. Laboratory test results of microbiology.8. What is iatrogenic infection?A: in medical services, the infection caused by pathogen transmission.9. What is the most likely way to get a hospital infection?Answer: contamination sharp, especially needle puncture.10. What is sterilization?Answer: use chemical, physical, biological method to kill or remove pathogenic microorganism in environment.11. What is sterilization?A: kill or eliminate all microorganisms in the media, including pathogenic microorganisms and non-pathogenic microorganisms, including bacterial spores and fungal spores.12. No clear incubation period infection, how many hours after admission into the hospital of infection determined to be a hospital infection? (C)A: A 12 hours B 24 hours C 48 hours D 72 hours13. How to determine whether the latent infection is a hospital infection? (A)A: an infection that occurred in the mean incubation period since the admission of an infection that occurred after an average incubation period14. The areas and hospitals that have centralized disposal of medical waste should be sterilized and destroyed after using disposable syringes, right? (A)Answer: A is not right15. What should be done for the disused blood samples and bacteriological specimens and cultures of clinical laboratories?Answer: the local harmless treatment, after the pressure steam sterilization sterilization of the general medical waste treatment.Is that the most basic measure to reduce hospital infections?A: hand hygiene.17, with simple measures to save lives, is that the measure?A: hand hygiene.18. According to the law of the Peoples Republic of China on the prevention and control of infectious diseases, which are the two types of infectious diseases?Answer: plague, cholera.19. In the law of the Peoples Republic of China on the prevention and control of infectious diseases, there are several kinds of infectious diseases. Please list at least five of them.Answer: 25 kinds.1. Infectious atypical pneumonia; 2. AIDS; Viral hepatitis; 4. Polio; 5. Human infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza; 6. The measles; 7. Epidemic hemorrhagic fever; 8. Rabies; 9. Epidemic encephalitis; 10. Dengue fever; 11. Anthrax (pulmonary anthrax); 12. Tuberculosis; 13. Malaria; 14. Typhoid and paratyphoid; 15. Schistosomiasis; 16. Whooping cough; 17. Diphtheria. 18. Neonatal tetanus; 19. Scarlet fever; 20. Brucellosis; 21. Gonorrhea; 22. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis; 23. Leptospirosis; 24. The syphilis; 25. Bacterial and amoebic dysentery.20. In the law of the Peoples Republic of China on the prevention and control of infectious diseases, there are several kinds of infectious diseases that belong to the class c. Please list at least five of them.Answer: 11 kinds.1. Influenza; 2. Mumps; 3. Rubella; 4. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis; 5. Leprosy; 6. Black fever; 7. Hydatid disease; 8. Filariasis; 9. Foot and mouth disease; 10. Epidemic and endemic typhus; 11. Infectious diarrhea other than cholera, bacterial and amoebic dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid.21. What kind of infectious disease is contagious atypical pneumonia?Answer: class b.What kind of infectious disease is AIDS?Answer: class b.23. What kind of infectious diseases do people infect with highly pathogenic avian influenza?Answer: class b.24. What kind of infectious disease does HFMD belong to?Answer: class c.25. What should be reported when a hospital is diagnosed with an infectious disease?A: in addition to the reported cases of hospital infection, the report should be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the communicable disease control act.26, according to the ministry of health in
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