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Cultural differences between China and the westChina is one of the four ancient civilizations, with a history of more than 5,000 years. Along with the evolution of history, various Chinese cultures have been passed down. Western culture is greatly different from Chinese culture because it is influenced by ethnic groups, religions, regions and so on. Next, I will share some of the main differences between Chinese and western cultures.Differences in language, language reflects the characteristics of a nation. In the Chinese language, every Chinese character has a unique and profound connotation. Especially, after the change of language environment, the meaning of words will change accordingly. Western languages are simple, popular, crisp and easy to understand.Differences in education, there are huge differences in education between China and the west. First, Chinese education attaches great importance to theory. And schools emphasize the interpretation of theoretical knowledge and the examination results, so as to reduce students spare time activities and practices for the purpose of higher education. Conversely, Western education focuses on practice and focuses on cultivating students independent thinking and practical ability. Secondly, Chinese and western family is also very different in education for children. 中英文化差异中国是四大文明古国之一,拥有五千多年的历史,随着历史的演变,各色各样的文化也传承下来;西方文化由于受民族、宗教、地域、历史等各方面的影响,与中国文化有着很大的差别。一、 语言的差异语言反映一个民族的特征,中国的汉语言,每一个汉字都有独特深刻的内涵,尤其是语言环境改变之后,词义也会随之发生改变。而西方语言简单,通俗,干脆,便于理解。二、 教育差异中西方在教育方面存在巨大的差异:首先,中国教育注重理论,学校着重讲解理论知识,注重卷面成绩,以升学为目的,减少学生的业余活动与实践;而西方教育注重实践,着重培养学生的独立思考与实践能力。其次,中西方的家庭在对孩子教育方面也是十分的不同,中国父母及其重视孩子的成绩,对孩子比较专制,过于溺爱孩Chinese parents attach more importance to their childrens academic performance and treat them as tyrannical. They even think their children need not do anything as long as they study. So Chinese children generally have no say in the family, lack the independent thinking ability, independent living ability, most of the adult economy cant be independent. However, western parents focus on cultivating their childrens independence and independence from childhood. Whats more, at home, children need to do housework in exchange for pocket money or gift they want. And they are encouraged to do what they like. In addition, there is special emphasis on filial piety in China. But the west does not care, and children do not have to support their parents. Cultural differences in festivals, Chinese festivals often contain profound culture, so Chinese traditional festivals are generally serious and solemn. Western festivals are usually associated with religion and are generally free, crazy and romantic. With the development of The Times, festivals do not emphasize national boundaries. Chinese young people like the excitement and romance of western festivals, while westerners want to experience the cultural connotations of Chinese festivals. Moreover, the festival is often related to business speculation, and economic development is closely linked.子,但是一般孩子在家里并没有话语权,只需要听从父母,缺乏独立思考能力、独立生活能力,大部分成年以后经济不能独立;西方父母从小便着重培养孩子的独立自主能力,在家里孩子需要做相应的家务来换取自己的零用钱或者想要的礼物,鼓励孩子做自己喜欢的事,并且在孩子成年之后必须经济独立,父母不在提供经济支持。除此以外,在中国尤其注重孝顺,子女在父母年迈之时必须赡养父母;但是西方并不在乎这些,子女也可不必赡养父母。 三、 节日文化差异中国的节日往往都是蕴含着深厚的文化,所以中国传统节日一般比较严肃、庄重;西方的节日往往都是与宗教有关,一般比较自由,疯狂,富有浪漫色彩。而随着时代的发展,现在的节日并没有十分强调国界,中国年轻人喜欢西方节日的热闹与浪漫,而西方人则想体验中国节日蕴含的文化底蕴。再者,现在的节日往往都和商家炒作有关,与经济发展息息相关。Dietary differences, In addition to eating to satisfy hunger, Chinese people also pay more attention to the taste of food, and often ignore the nutrition of the food itself. However, the western diet is more rational, the pursuit of food nutrition. Secondly, vegetables play a dominant role in the Chinese diet, and Chinese people love hot food. Western diet, pay attention to the intake of fat and protein, love cold food. Whats more, Chinese people emphasize unity in eating and drinking. They sit around a table to cultivate their feelings for each other. When westerners eat, although they sit at a table, they have their own tableware and food is distributed separately, emphasizing their independence.四、 饮食差异中国人除了饮食充饥,还更注重食物的味道鲜美与否,往往忽略食物本身的营养成分。然而西方人饮食比较理性,追求食物的营养成分。其次,中国的饮食中蔬菜占主导地位,中国人喜爱热食;西方人的饮食中,注重脂肪与蛋白质的摄入,喜爱冷食。再者,中国人饮食着重团结,大家围坐一桌,培养彼此之间的感情;西方人在吃饭时,虽然也是围坐一桌,但是各自有自己的餐具,食物单独分配,强调各自的独立。
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