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流程图:例题1来源:c6t3The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.分析:本题实际上是两个流程图,一个描述了蚕的周期变化,另一个描述了蚕茧如何做成丝绸/丝布,当然两个图有一定的联系。 流程图的写作要注意以下事项:第一, 找到流程起点,按照箭头方向,仔细看图,理解图意;第二, 如果出现生词,结合图中信息进行猜测,多数生词可以直接代入;第三, 按图中步骤、分阶段进行描述,不要省略其中环节;第四, 一定要使用表示逻辑顺序的衔接词;after/before/until/once第五, 通常选用一般现在时,注意主谓一致,注意适当使用被动语态;第六, 要使用并列句和定语从句来压缩合并环节The first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silkworm. First of all, eggs are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves. This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself. After a period of about three weeks, the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again. The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth. Once selected, they are boiled in water and the threads can be separated in the unwinding stage. Each thread is between 300 and 900 metres long, which means they can be twisted together, dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage. Overall, the diagrams show that the cocoon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process. 163 words考官作文已经很好的解决了刚才我们提到的两个问题,下划线部分已经给我们了很多启示。现总结如下:首先,流程图中最关键的是使用恰当衔接手段,一方面增强文章连贯性,另一方面,可以避免写太多的简单句,使句间的语法关系增强。l 表示时间顺序1) first; first of all; in the first/initial stage; /second; next; then; afterwards; thereafter; /finally; /at the same time; simultaneously; meanwhile;2) and; and then; 写出并列句:把句子写长最经济有效的方法!3) After; before; prior to; until; when; l 表示限定/补充说明:三个定语从句引导词 其次,要避免句型单一化,我们还可以采用一定的语言手段:l 被动语态:千万不能小觑,中文倾向于使用主动语态,如果写作英语句子时能适当使用,必将有助于句型多样化。 考官作文里有7个被动语态或过去分词(以斜体形式标出)。l 词性变化:在写流程图时,图中信息可能是以名词、动名词、动词呈现的, 我们写作时需有意识地在其三者间互换。比如,上图中food可以转换为feed, select也完全可以写selection。精彩句型回放:l 当瓶子清洗完毕,他们被运送到回收车间(recycling plant),在这里切成碎片,然后倒入熔炉(furnace)当中。l _convey /cut/pour l When the cleaning is done, the bottles are conveyed to the recycling plant where they are cut into glass pieces, which are then poured into a furnace.练习:l 碎玻璃被倒入熔炉(furnace)当中,在这里加热并熔化为液态玻璃(liquid glass),液态玻璃紧接着流进模具(mould)里面。l _heat/melt/flow _l 答案: The glass pieces are poured into a furnace, where they are heated and melted into a liquid, which flows into a glass mould.二 流程图必备词汇及模板表达l 地图题的必会词汇:l Sparsely-populated 人口稀少的 densely populated 人口稠密的lack basic facilities 缺乏基础设施 two crossing main road 两条交叉的主路,intersection 交叉,link 连接 parallel with , 与。平行 go through 贯穿 east(west,north,south)bound 向东(西,南,北)的Found/construct/build 建立,along 沿着 scatter 分散,come into being/take shape/form 形成l l 流程图必会词汇:l form/come into being/take shape 形成produce 生产 /gain /get/ acquire 获取 evaporate 蒸发/volatilize 挥发 draw 提取/ recycle 回收/ extract 拔,提取/pass into进入/ absorb 吸收 /collect/ 收集 meet 相遇 / be made up of/由。组成 be made of由。制成/ be made from 由 。制成 /feed on 以。为食/depend on /rely on 依赖 /release/send out 释放/sort分类 /separate 分开 conveyed 运送cut into 切成 poured into 倒入poured into 倒入 heated 加热 melted into 融化成flows into 流入 produce eggs 产卵 select 挑选 boil 煮 unwind 解开 twist 捻 weave 织 dye 染色 emerge 出现 harvest 收割 /recycle 回收 /fill 埋 /digest 分解 消化/biodegrade 生物降解ll l 流程图模板:l 第一段所使用的句子:l It mainly consists ofl It works as followsl It always involves following stepsl The whole procedure can be divided into _ stages.l l 表第一阶段的句子:l 1.The process starts from-l At the first/initial stage, -l At the beginning of the cycle, -l During the initial phase,+句子l The beginning of the whole cycle is marked by, -l 2. 表第二阶段的一些说法:l The second stage is-l The next step in the process is-l 3. 表最后阶段的句子:l -is the last step in the procedure.l The final phase of the procedure is about-l In the final phase,+句子l -is the final stage.练习:Task 1 流程图 Glass recyclingstage1: customers-used bottles-collection point-recycling carstage2: high pressured water -green brown clear bottles-cleaning plant -glass factory-glass pieces-heating in furnace-liquid-glass mold-new onesstage3: filling or packing-supermarket
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