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Unit 1 Key words: Ambition; ambitious; entry; beneficial; clumsy; adapt; absence; annoy; annoyance; psychology; psychologically; conduct; abolish; abolition; resign; companion; assistance; congratulate; certificate; adequate; access; accessible; handy; impair; approval; dignity; profit1. Entry1)参加,加入(指权利、机会)The entry of women into the workforce. 妇女加入劳动大军的权利 2)项目;条目;词条;记录There is no entry in his diary for that day.2. Clumsy1) Awkward I spilt your coffee. Sorry- that was clumsy of me.2) 冒犯人的;不得体的 She made a clumsy attempt to apologize. 她本想道歉,但词语生硬。3. Absence In ones absence/ in the absence of sb 某人不在时 In the absence of sth 缺乏某物 Be absent from4. Annoy/annoyance Be annoyed with sb. Be annoyed at/about sth Be annoyed to do sth. Be annoyed that Annoying/annoyanceMuch to my annoyance, they decided not to come after all.5. PsychologicallyPhysically; mentally; emotionally; spiritually Psychologically, the defeat was devastating.6. Conduct 1) 组织;安排; 实施;执行 To conduct an experiment/an inqury/a survey 进行实验/询问/调查2)指挥(歌唱或音乐演奏) Conduct a concert3) 带路;引导The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.4) 举止;表现 Conduct oneself well= behave oneself5) 传导(热或电)Conduct electricityN. 行为;举止7. Abolish/abolition Abolish laws/rules/regulations/customs The abolition of slavery/the death penalty Abort/abortion8. Resign 1)辞职Resign from. Resign as He resigned from the position as manager after eight years.2)Resign oneself to sth/be resigned to 只好接受;顺从 She resigned herself to fate. We had to resign ourselves to making a loss on the sale.同义词: Give in to; give way to; submit to9. Congratulate Congratulate sb on sth/doing sth 在人前面不能加 to10. Certificate License 许可证;执照 Diploma 毕业文凭11. Adequate The space available is not adequate for our needs. 同义词: Abundant; sufficient12. Handy Come in handy 有用场;有用处 The extra money came in very handy. 这笔额外的钱正好派上用场。13. Dignity The dying patients should be allowed to die with dignity. Priority 优先权;重点 Club members will be given priority.Privilege 特殊利益;优惠待遇;特权 Education should be a universal right and not a privilege. As a member of the nobility, his life had had been one of wealth and privilege. 有钱有势的生活She is proud to have taken part in Im sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.The bank is reported to have been robbed last night.Some paintings are believed to have been destroyed in a big fire.In other words= to put it another wayIt is difficult to know what the future holds. = what the future has in store ( for me) Have sth in store for sb. 即将发生(在某人身上)Sit around feeling sorry for myself. 闲坐着顾影自怜Live as rich and full a life as you do. 和你一样过着丰富多彩、充实美满的生活Reserve /reservationWithout reservation/reserveMake a reservationReserve ones judgment 语法重点:不定式的完成时I am supposed to have finished all my shopping.Nobody is said to have finished till theres no more left to buy.Unit 2Key words:Fiction; bonus; alarm; sympathy; elegant; favour; scan; absurd; accompany; awful; declare; envy; affection; bound; junior; talent; theoretical; framework; divorce; assessment1. Fiction be adapted from a science fiction2. Bonus 1) 额外的津贴;奖金;红利All employees received a $100 Christmas bonus.2) 意外收获 Being able to walk to work is added bonus of the new job. Allowance 津贴;补助3. Elegant/elegance She was tall and elegant. (优雅的) 她身材修长,优雅大方 An elegant room/restaurant. (漂亮,雅致的)4. FavourableShe made a favourable impression on his parents.( 给人好印象的)Favourable comments (赞同的;支持的) The terms of the agreement are favourable to both sides. (有利的) They offered me a loan on very favourable terms. (优惠的)5. Absurd同义词:ridiculousThat uniform makes the guard look absurd.Of course its not true, what an absurd idea.6. AwfulThe weather last summer was awful. ( 很坏的)Its going to cost an awful lot of money. (非常的;很多的)Awfully 非常;极其Im awfully sorry about that problem the other day.7. AffectionHe didnt show his wife any affection.Children need lots of love and affection.8. Bound Be bound to do 一定会;很可能会Good medicine is not bound to taste bitter.There are bound to be changes when the system is introduced. 同义词:Be doomed to do 注定 Be bound by / be bound to do受(法律、义务、或情况)约束;有义务(做某事) We are not bound by the decision.You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month.9. Theoretical 理论的;假设的A theoretical analysis/approach 理论分析/研究10. Framework(作为判断、决定等基础的)信仰、观点、准则The report provides a framework for further research. 报告提供了进一步研究的原则。(体系的)结构,机制We need to establish a legal framework for the protection of the environment.报告提供了进一步研究的原则。11. DivorceGet divorced分离;脱离 Divorce sb/sth from sthWhen he was depressed, he felt utterly divorced from reality. 脱
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