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初中英语-巧学妙记介词的用法(附例句)(一)用歌诀巧记介词用法巧记时间介词用法歌诀(1):年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。要说某日上下午,用in换on才能行。午夜黄昏用at,周末用它也不错。at用在时刻前,past要加,to要减。多说多练认真学,莫让岁月空蹉跎。用 at 来表示在某一段时刻:at dawn/daybreak: 在黎明at six :在6点钟at midnight :在午夜at 4:30 :在4点30分用 at 来表示在岁时at sixteen/at the age of sixteen16岁的时候用 on 来表示在星期几/某日on Monday :在星期一on January fifth:在1月5日on Christmas Day :在圣诞节那一天 也可用at Christmason New Years Day:在新年那天用in来表示一天中的早中晚,月份,季节或年份in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上in January/February/March/April在一月/二月/三月/四月in Spring 在春天in 2020 在二二年巧记方位介词用法歌诀(2):里面、上面in和onover,under上下方。in front of前,behind后,at用在某地点上。来自from/朝前to,里面穿过是through,表面穿过across,到上面用onto,进入记得用into,在旁边beside,附近记得用near。The bird is flying above my head.There is a bridge over the river.He put his watch on the desk.The passenger sits beside me.They cut across the fields.他们抄近路穿过田野。The dog ran across the grass. 狗跑过草地。They walked through the forest. 他们穿过森林。Tom swam across the river. 汤姆游过河。I liked to meander through familiar streets.我喜欢穿过熟悉的街道漫步。The little girl pushed through the crowds. 那个小女孩挤过人群。When she heard the news, the cup in her hand slipped down onto the floor.当她听到这个消息时,手里的杯子滑落到地板上。There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom. 我们的教室前边有一块黑板。Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师站在教室前.(老师在教室里)There are some tall trees in front of the building. 大楼前有一些高大的树。The teacher is sitting in the front of the classroom. 老师坐在教室前面。(二)介词“in” 的省略大全在下列短语中,in常被省略be busy( in) doing.忙于做.Marry is busy (in)doing her homework.玛丽正忙于做她的家庭作业。have difficulty /trouble/problem( in) doing.做.有困难/有麻烦/有问题I have some difficulties (in )doing this math problem.做这道数学题我有一些困难。( in) this/that way用这种/那种方法(In )this way, we have learned a lot.用这种方法,我们学到了许多。spend.( in) doing花费.在做.Workers spent two years (in) building the building. 工人们花费了两年时间修建了这幢大楼。have a good time( in)doing . .玩得快乐Our classmates had a good time (in )playing yesterday in the park.waste.( in)doing.浪费.做Xiaoming wasted a lot of time (in)making this kite。做这个风拿小明浪费了许多时间。pass time( in)doing.做.度过时光We passed a good time (in) learning knowledge in school. 我们在学校学习知识度过美好的时光。kill time( in) doing.消磨时光做.Some young people kill time (in)playing computer games every day.Theres no use/ good( in) doing.做.没有用处/好处。There is no good for our health in eating junk food. 吃垃圾食品对我们的身体没有好处。(三) to 作介词时的短语小结1. admit to doing sth 承认做了某事Jack admited to breaking the window.杰克承认(是他)打破了窗户。2. object to doing sth 反对做某事They also object to giving the president and his family any immunity from prosecution.他们还拒绝给予总统及其家人任何免于起诉的特权3. see to doing sth 负责做某事Li Ming sees to building the building.李明负责修建这幢大楼。4. stick to doing sth 坚持做某事My sister insisted to finishing her homework by himself.我妹妹坚持要独立完成家庭作业。5. be opposed to doing sth反对做某事Mom is opposed us to playing computer games. 妈妈反对我们玩电脑游戏6. look forward to doing sth盼望做某事The children are looking forward to the new year.孩子们盼望着新年。7. be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事My father is used to walking after supper.我父亲习惯于晚饭后散步。8. reduce sb to doing sth 使某人沦落到去做某事的地步Drug use reduced her to crime吸毒使她堕落到犯罪的地步9. take to doing sth 喜欢上做某事Mom takes to dancing. 妈妈喜欢上了跳舞。10. apply oneself to doing sth专心致力于做某事My brother has applied himself to learning English for three years. 我哥哥已经努力学了三年英语了。11. devote oneself to doing sth献身于做某事Han Hong devoted herself to helping the poor. 韩红致力于帮助穷人。12. be devoted to doing sth把时间(钱、精力等)花在做某事上She is devoted her life to helping the homeless people. 她一生致力于帮助无家可归的人。13. get down to doing sth开始做某事,认真处理某事LiHong gets down to learning English.
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