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江苏省如皋中学2019 2020 学年度第二学期复学考 高一英语 试卷满分150 分 考试时长120 分钟 I 卷 选择题部分 总分100 分 第一部分听力 共两节 满分 30 分 做题时 先将答案标在试卷上 录音内容结束后 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上 第一节 共 5 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分 7 5 分 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相 应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每段对话仅读一遍 1 Why did the woman go to town A Get some money from the bank B Buy some groceries in a market C Pay her bills in the bank 2 What does the woman most probably want to convey A She feels sorry owing to the man s failure B She did no better than the man in the contest C She is optimistic that she won t be the last in the contest 3 What does the woman most probably mean A She really cannot learn math well without Michael s help B Mathematics is the last subjects she wants to learn C Michael is the only student who ever helped her with math 4 What will the woman do this afternoon A Play basketball B Go to see sick Lily C Play volleyball 5 Who went to attend the meeting in the end A John B The woman C William 第二节 共 15 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分 22 5 分 听下面 5 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 并 标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题 5 秒钟 听完后 各小题将给 出 5 秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 听下面一段对话 回答第 6 和第 7 题 6 What festival is it the day after tomorrow A Christmas B Halloween C Thanksgiving 7 Who will the woman have dinner with on Christmas A Sam B Paul C Paul s parents 听下面一段对话 回答第 8 和第 9 题 8 Why does the woman look worried A She has been late for work recently B She is not getting on well with her boss C She has trouble taking her children to school 9 What might the woman think of Alice s way to deal with her problem A Practical B Strange C Wrong 听下面一段对话 回答第 10 至第 12 题 10 What is the problem with the woman A She has no interest in learning a foreign language B She has a headache in learning English C She has difficulty in learning Spanish 11 What else does the man suggest besides watching movies and practicing regularly A Be confident B Be hardworking C Be honest 12 What can we learn about the man A He is a language teacher B He is a good language learner C He is a bad language advisor 听下面一段对话 回答第 13 至第 16 题 13 How long has Michael Wilson been cooking A For the last twenty years B Since he was twenty years old C Since he was a kid 14 What does Michael Wilson say about making friends A Having something in common helps a lot B Eating together is a great way to get to know others C Language is necessary for making friends 15 According to Michael Wilson where would be a good place to eat beef A New York City B Finland C Shanghai 16 What does Michael Wilson probably use in his dishes A Complicated sauces B Expensive spices 香料 from around the world C Local fruits and vegetables 听下面一段独白 回答第 17 至第 20 题 17 What did Aquila do at the beginning of her speech A She talked about different ways of entertainment B She tried to attract the audience with money C She opened the speech by asking a question 18 How did Aquila conclude her speech A She persuaded her audience to give up gambling B She ended her speech with a quotation by Mark Twain C She put forward some suggestions on entertainment 19 What mistake do some speakers make when they prepare a speech A They don t plan the beginning and end of a speech B They don t do enough research on their topics C They spend too much time on the introduction 20 What does the speaker suggest speech makers do at the end of the passage A Devote enough energy to the introduction and conclusion B Open a speech with some interesting stories C Spend more time on the body of a speech 第二部分阅读理解 共两节 满分 50 分 第一节 共15 小题 每小题2 5 分 满分 37 5 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C和 D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 A Online programs to fight depression are already commercially available While they sound efficient and cost saving a recent study reports that they re not effective primarily because depressed patients are not likely to engage with them or stick with them The study looked at computer assisted cognitive behavioral therapy CBT认知行为治疗 and found that it was no more effective in treating depression than the usual care patients receive from a primary care doctor Traditional CBT is considered an effective form of talk therapy for depression helping people challenge negative thoughts and change the way they think in order to change their mood and behaviors However online CBT programs have been gaining popularity with the attraction of providing low cost help wherever someone has access to a computer A team of researchers from the University of York conducted a randomized 随机的 control trial with 691 depressed patients from 83 physician practices across England The patients were split into three groups one group received only usual care from a physician while the other two groups received usual care from a physician plus one of computerized CBT programs Participants were balanced across the three groups for age sex educational background severity and duration of depression and use of antidepressants 抗抑郁药 After four months the patients using the computerized CBT programs had no improvement in depression
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