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1.【南京师大附中2018届高三年级模拟考试】If you want to improve your figure and health, the most effective thing to do is to show up at the gym every time you _ be there.A. can B. will C. may D. shall【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词辨析。句意:如果你想改善你的身材和健康,最有效的方法就是每次能去健身房的时候都去。A. can “能”;B. will“将,愿意”;C. may“可以,能够”(可能性较小);D. shall“会,将”。此处指能去的时候就去,表示能够。故选A。2.【2018江苏卷】Its strange that he have taken the books without the owners permission.A. wouldB. shouldC. couldD. might【答案】B【解析】本题考查情态动词。句意:让人很费解的是,他竟然没有经过主人的允许就拿走别人的书。考查should的“竟然”之意,故选择B。3.【江苏省常州市田家炳高级中学2019届高三开学考试】In particular, we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens, _ is the Acropolis.A. the greatest symbol of which B. of which greatest symbolC. whose the greatest symbol D. of whose greatest symbol【答案】A【解析】考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是the capital city of Athens,关系代词which指代先行词the capital city of Athens,在定语从句中做介词of的宾语。句意:特别的是,我们把古希腊文明和雅典的首都联系起来,雅典的象征就是卫城。B项缺少了the,C项多了the,D项多了of。故A项正确。4.【北京市石景山区2018届高三3月统一测试(一模)】The accident have been caused by a dog running across the road, but we dont know for sure.A. might B. should C. will D. must【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词与虚拟。句意:事故可能是由一条横穿马路的狗引起的,但我们不确定。分析句子可知,本句是对过去动作的推测,可能性不大。表对过去的推测有must (可能性大,“一定”),might/may (可能性小,意为“可能,也许”),这两词用于肯定句。对过去动作的推测要用情态动词+have done ,故选A。5.【天津市河东区2018届高考英语二模】Its great that all the visitors who on the island were saved.A. trapped B. have been trapped C. had trapped D. had been trapped【答案】D【解析】考查时态和被动语态的用法。句意:所有被困在岛上的游客都得救了,这真是太棒了。本题考查过去完成时的被动语态。由were saved 可知此事发生在过去,且被困应在被救之前,应用过去完成时。同时,visitors 和trap构成被动关系。所以用过去完成时的被动语态。6.【天津市河东区2018届高考英语二模】Everything is amazing. Thank you all. We without your help.A. cant make it B. mustnt have madeC. wont make D. couldnt have made it【答案】D【解析】考查含情态动词的虚拟语气。句意:一切都令人惊叹。谢谢大家。没有你的帮助我们是不可能成功的。此处couldnt have done表示对过去事情有把握的否定推测,“不可能已经做了某事”,故选D。7.【2018届江苏省苏北四市(淮、宿、徐、连)高三第一次调研考试】The idea of green packaging has received wide _ since the government announced specific goals to green the delivery industry. A. currencyB. creativity C. cooperationD. criterion【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。currency“流通,流行”;creativity“创造”;cooperation“合作,配合”;criterion “(批评判断的)标准,准则”。句意:自从政府宣布了绿色运输业的具体目标以来,绿色包装的理念已经得到了广泛的认可。故选A。8.【天津市耀华中学2018届高三上学期第一次月考】Now that you have practiced a lot, there be any difficulty in performing well.A. mustnt B. shant C. shouldnt D. neednt【答案】C【解析】考查情态动词。句意:既然你已经练习了很多次,那么要表现好,应该不会有困难。A项“禁止”;B项是shall not的缩写,表示“将不做”;C项“不应该”;D“不需要”。表示否定意义的推测shouldnt,故选C项。9.【天津市耀华中学2018届高三上学期第二次月考】What do you think of Betty? She is a lovely girl, though she _be naughty sometimes.A. should B. must C. need D. can【答案】D【解析】考查情态动词。A. should “应该;想必会,理应”;B. must “必须,一定”; C.情态动词 need,通常用在疑问句、否定句中,意为“需要”;C. can “能,会,可能”。句中描述的Betty应该是一个可爱但有时会有些调皮的女孩。结合句意,此处应该是填一个表示推测的情态动词,can用于肯定句,表示理论上存在的可能性,所以适用于本句;should,must都可以表示推测,但在这里不合语意。故选D。10.【北京市丰台区2018届高三上学期期末考试】Im sorry. I at you the other day.Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.A. shouldnt shout B. shouldnt have shouted C. mustnt shout D. mustnt have shouted【答案】B【解析】考查情态动词shouldnt have done的用法,表“本不应该做某事”,但实际上做了,是对过去事实的虚拟假设。前句中有明显的时间状语the other day (几天前),事情发生在过去。句意:对不起,前几天我不应该对你大嚷大叫。所以要用“shouldnt have done”。【2018届河北省衡水中学高三上学期九模考试】As a child, I was always told to “eat my greens”. These were the unappealing vegetables that sat on the edge of my plate. Peas, and green beans, all looked and tasted _11_. Lets face it, when there were so many other delicious treats to _12_, why eat boring vegetables?Since then my taste buds have _13_ and Im also fully aware of the health benefits of eating fresh vegetables. But we still need _14_ of the amazing goodness these green super foods give us. In the UK, a campaign has been _15_ for several years to encourage us to eat our “5 A Day”five portions of fruit and vegetables. Thats _16_ evidence has shown there are significant health _17_ to getting at least five 80g portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.But I struggle trying to fit these five portions into my daily _18_, partly because I have a sweet _19_ and vegetables are, well, tasteless. Researchers have been _20_ how to make eating vegetables more _21_. They analysed the psychology behind our food _22_ and found that most of us are _23_ by taste. Brad Turnwald from Stanford University says that “studies show that people _24_ to think of healthier options as less tasty for some reason.”In Europe, a project called VeggieEAT has also been trying to find ways to get people to _25_ more vegetables. Project leader, Professor Heather Hartwell believes in _26_ encouraging people into eating the right things. One idea has been
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