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_._牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习阅读理解(1) Did you know that each day one person in the US throws away 4.4 pounds of rubbish? Almost every month, we throw away our own rubbish in packaging alone. Packaging ( including boxes, bags, etc) comes to our homes with the things we have bought. Several weeks ago, the TV news said that in a city in Italy, tons of rubbish were piled up in the streets, and the smell was rather terrible. What can we do to help? We should get to know the following Rs. To reduce means to make less rubbish That is one of the first things we all should do for the environment. Reduce your rubbish by doing things like packing your lunch in reusable containers(可再利用的容器),taking smaller potions(份)at dinner so you dont waste food when you have had enough, writing on both sides of paper, and using less water when taking a shower.To reuse is to use things again. Think about the bags you get from the store. They can be reused to carry your lunch, to hold your rubbish, or to collect used cans. You can even take them back to the store the next time to carry your things instead of getting a new bag! Recycling is an important part of keeping our planet clean and green. It can also save energy. Be sure that you dont throw things in the rubbish that can be recycled to make something else. Paper, plastic, cans and bottles can all be recycled, but food, electrical waste and mobile phones cant. When you are not sure whether something can be recycled, go to your parents and teachers for advice. Follow the three Rs, and every one of us can do something to save the Earth. It is also the best way to save ourselves.( )1. The first paragraph of the passage implies(暗示) that . A. packaging should be given up B. Italy is too dirty for us to visit C. the US produces most rubbish D. the Earth is becoming dirtier( )2. The writer seems to ask people to reuse the bags . A. only as rubbish bags B. only for carrying other things C. mainly to have a cleaner world D. mainly to save some money( )3. Which of the following can be recycled? A. Food and bottles. B. Books and newspapers. C. Paper and mobile phones. D. Plastic and electrical waste.( )4. The passage mainly tells us that . A. all useless things can be recycled B. the environment is greatly improving C. the three Rs can help us clean the Earth D. we should never throw any rubbish away(2)Most people around the world are right-handed. This also seems to be true in history. In 1799, scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1,500 B.C. to the 1950s. Most of the people shown in these works are right-handed, so the scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common through history. Today, only about 10% to 15% of the worlds population is left-handed. Why are there more right-handed people than left-handed ones? Scientists now know that a persons two hands each have their own jobs. For most people, the hand is used to find things or hold things. The right hand is used to work with things. This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain. The right side of the brain, which makes a persons hands and eyes work together, controls the left hand. The left-side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the centre for thinking and doing problems. These findings show that more artists should be left-handed, and studies have found that left-handedness is twice as common among artists as among people in other jobs. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found that almost 40% of the people become left-handed because their main brain is damaged when they are born. However, this doesnt happen to everyone, so scientists guess there must be another reason why people become left-handed. One idea is that people usually get right-handed from their parents. If a person does not receive the gene(基因) for right-handedness, he/ she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the chance and the people they work or live with. Though right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual. A long time ago, left-handed children were made to use their right hands like other children, but today they dont have to.( )1. How many people in the world are left-handed now? A. Less than one sixth. B. More than a half. C. About 40% D. The passage doesnt tell us.( )2.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “damaged” in this passage? A. knocked B. changed C. broke D. harmed( )3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed. B. Left-handedness is cleverer tha
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