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银行英语会话 MP3 中英字幕 第 5 课 存款与取款 Lesson 5 Deposits and Withdrawals 存款与取款 Key sentences I d like to deposit some money in my account 关键句型我要把一些钱存入我的账户 Please write down your name 请在这张存款凭条上写上您的名字 your account number and the amount you want to put in on this deposit number 你的账号 及您想存款数额 Be sure the amount is written in words 金额得用文字书写 We offer an interest rate for fixed deposit 我们这里提供的定期存款利率 which is much higher than for current deposit 比活期利率高得多 We offer an interest rate for fixed deposit 我们这里提供的定期存款利率 which is much higher than for current deposit 比活期利率高得多 You can rewrite it and do it in triplicate 您能够重填 一式三份 Yes after technical examination we find this note is counterfeit 是的 经过技术检验 我们发现这张钞票是假钞 Please let me have 2 000 yuan in hundreds and the rest in small change 请给我 2 000 元面额为一百元的钞票 其余的给我零钱 Dialogue 1 A I need to put some money in my account 我要把一些钱存入我的账户 B Very well sir Your current account 好的 先生 是活期账户吗 A No mine is a saving account 不 是储蓄账户 B Please write down your name your account number 请在这种存款凭条上写上您的名字 您的账号 and the amount you want to put in on this deposit slip 及您想存入数额 A I see Here is slip and 1 300 yuan Is that all right 我明白了 给您有存款凭条和1 300 元钱 行吗 B Fine Would you please give me your passbook 好的 请您把存折给我 好吗 A Here you are B Wait just a moment please 给您 请稍等 Notes I need to put some money in my account 我要把一些钱存入我的账户 I want to deposit some money into my account How much do you want to place to your account How much do you wish to deposit in your account Once again A I need to put some money in my account 我要把一些钱存入我的账户 B Very well sir Your current account 好的 先生 是活期账户吗 A No mine is a saving account 不 是储蓄账户 B Please write down your name your account number 请在这种存款凭条上写上您的名字 您的账号 and the amount you want to put in on this deposit slip 及您想存入数额 A I see Here is slip and 1 300 yuan Is that all right 我明白了 给您有存款凭条和1 300 元钱 行吗 B Fine Would you please give me your passbook 好的 请您把存折给我 好吗 A Here you are B Wait just a moment please 给您 请稍等 Dialogue 2 A Could you tell me something about fixed time deposits 请您和我谈谈相关定期存款的事好吗 As far as I know the interest rate for fixed time deposit 据我所知定期存款的利率 is much higher than current deposits 比活期利率要高 B Yes that s right 是的 您说得对 We offer time certificates of deposits 我们这里提供存款的定期存单 which pay a higher interest rate than current deposits do 它们的利率比活期存款高得多 A How long do I have to keep the money in the account 那么 我得在账户中存多长时间才能够取款呢 B We offer a choice of three six and twelve month saving deposit 我们提供为期 3 个月 6 个月或 12 个月的储蓄期限供您选择 Of course we have three five plans too 当然我们也有为期3 年 5 年的储蓄期限 A Does the rate go up depending on how long you keep the certificate 利率的高低是不是取决于存款单的存款时间的长短 B You said it But you must determine what maturity you want in the beginning 是的 您说得对 不过你得从一开始就定下存什么期限的存款 Naturally certificates with the long maturities bear a higher rate of return 当然 存期越长利率就越高 A What maturities are the most popular 哪种期限的储蓄欢迎呢 I think many customers would invest for the long terms 我以为很多顾客会投资于长期储蓄 B No most customers prefer the six or twelve month deposit 不 绝大部分顾客选用半年或一年期限的储蓄计划 A May I renew the certificate on maturity 我可不能够在存款到期时续存 B Of course you may if you wish 当然能够 只要您到期时愿意 Notes 1 as far as I know 就我所知 I ll help you as far as I can 我将尽我所能协助你 As far as the weather is concerned I do not think it matters 至于天气我认为无关紧要 2 Does the rate go up depending on how long you keep the certificate 利率的高低是不是取决于存款单的存款时间的长短 go up 上升 上涨 The price goes up quickly 物价上涨得很快 depending on 取决于 有赖于 The value of a book does not depend on its size 一本书的价值不在于它的大小 Dialogue 3 A Excuse me do you deal with deposits here 劳驾 这里办理存款吗 B Yes sir please don t queue carrying your cash 是的 先生 请不要持钱排队 It s safer for you to queue with a cash slip 用解款单排队比较安全 Please give me your cash slip 请给我解款单 A Oh sorry my completed cash slip is wrong 哦 对不起 这张现金解款单我填错了 You can rewrite it and do it in triplicate 您能够重填 一式三份 A Here is the money 给你钱 B Please separate the new edition from the old edition of ten yuan notes 请你把新老版十元券分开 for convenience A OK 为了方便起见 好的 B Excuse me You ve made a mistake Please recount them 对不起 您给我的钱不对 请重点一下 A Sorry Let me count them again 对不起 让我重点一下 B Sir this note you gave me is a forged note 对不起 您给我的这张钞票是假钞 A Is that so 是吗 B Yes after technical examination we find this note is a counterfeit 是的 经进技术检验 我们发现这张钞票是张假钞 A I m very sorry indeed 我真的很抱歉 I don t remember from where I got it Please return it to me 我记不起是何处得到的 请还给我吧 B Well according to the relevant regulations 嗯 根据相关规定 forged notes are to be confiscated 假钞票要被没收 So we can t return it to you 所以我们不能还给您 But we ll issue a receipt to you instead 但能够为您开一张收据 certifying that the note you presented to us is counterfeit 证明您给出的那张钞票是假的 and has been confiscated by this bank 同时被我们没收了 A I see 我明白了 B Please make up the difference Here is the certificate of confiscation 请补足差额 这是没收收据 A No 8 八号 B Yes sir Your cash slip is here 是的 先生 这是您的解款单 Notes 1 Do you deal with deposits here 你们这里办理存款吗 deal with 处理 应付 Did they have to deal with emergency 他们得应付紧急情况吗 2 You can rewrite it and do it in triplicate 您能够重填 一式三份 in triplicate in d
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