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如何写以“事物对人类的影响”为话题的文章【例文1】我们在生活中会经历各种各样的事情,如:赢得比赛或比赛失利;考试成功或失败;表演成功或失败;和朋友吵架或和好;第一次旅行等等,请你根据下面的提示写一件让你难忘的过去事件。提示:1.2019年6月7号星期五参加演讲比赛; 2.紧张得脸红甚至忘词;同学们嘲笑我;感觉无地自容 3.老师与我交谈:参与就是勇敢的表现,是勇于跨出的一大步 4.我意识到我所需要的是自信和充足的准备。一审题体裁记叙文话题以“过去事件对人的影响”为话题时态一般过去时人称How did you feel? Why?第一、三人称1. How to write an experience?WhatWhat did you learn from it?An experienceWhenwhere二文章布局文章段落结构开头:引出话题 I still remember the bad day I have experienced was a Friday.正文:事件详情 It happened.I gave a speech in front of the whole class;nervous;laughed at ;had a talk with me; brave 结尾:吸取教训 From then on, I will be full ready for every (speech) performance and perform it confidently.3 遣词造句词汇库记得remember;经历experience;发生happen;紧张nervous;不舒服uncomfortable;意识realize;勇气courage;勇敢brave;表演performance;准备preparation;自信confidence;执行perform短语箱演讲give a speech;嘲笑laugh at;感觉feel like;在.前面in front of;尽管even though/if;如此.以至于so.that;从那以后from then on;做准备be ready for链接句型1. Sad movies make me cry.2. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy want to cry.3. I still remember the bad day I have experienced was.4. It happened on June 7th, 2019.5. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.6. His mind wouldnt stop thinking about what happened only just one hour ago.7. Peters feelings were written all over his face.8. Winning or losing is the only half of the game. The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and learning from your mistakes.四作文模板I still remember _ I have experienced was a Friday.It happened on _.I _in front of the whole class. I was so _that _. Whats more, I even _. My classmates all laughed at me. I felt like I was _. _.I realized _. From then on, I will be full ready for_. 五参考范文I still remember the bad day I have experienced was a Friday.It happened on June 7th, 2019. I gave a speech in front of the whole class. I was so nervous that my face turned red all the time. Whats more, I even forgot the words during the speech. My classmates all laughed at me. I felt like I was the most stupid fool in the world. At that time, I really wanted to find a deep hole to get in. After the speech, my teacher had a long talk with me. He told me even if my performance was not good, it was brave for me to stand in front of the whole class, which was an important step forward. I realized what I needed was confidence and full preparation. From then on, I will be full ready for every (speech) performance and perform it confidently.【例文2】网络正逐渐走进我们的生活,其利弊也显现出来了。请以Advantages(优点) and disadvantages(缺点) of the Internet 为题,写一篇文章。要求:要有表明自己的观点的句子 要体现网络的优点和缺点 字数100字左右一审题体裁议论文话题以“网络的利弊”为话题时态一般现在时人称第一、三人称2 文章布局 文章段落结构 开头:引出话题 “Internet comes into our life. It not only brings a lot of convenience but also troubles”引出话题正文:分析利弊 look up;read news;send email; relax oneselfplay games;see pictures or films unhealthy or dangerous结尾:个人观点 In my opinion, we should make good use of it and stay away from unhealthy websites.三遣词造句词汇库网络Internet;方便convenience;快乐happiness;问题trouble;工具tool;不健康的unhealthy;有用的helpful;信息information;缺点disadvantage;优点advantage;危险的dangerous;影响effect;网站website;短语箱不但,而且not only,but also;带来bring on;一方面,另一方面on the one hand,on the other hand;查询look up;聊天chat with;玩游戏play games;充分利用make good use of;远离stay away from;对.没兴趣be less interested in;对.有用be helpful to;对.产生影响have an.effect/influence on链接句型1.It brings us not only convenience and happiness but also troubles.2. It is now coming into our life./ It plays an important role in our life.3. Its advantages and disadvantages are shown clearly to us. 4. On the one hand, some students use the Internet as a tool to study.On the other hand, it sometimes gets in the way of students study.5. I think we should make good use of it and stay away from some unhealthy things.四作文模板 _ is now coming into our life. It brings us not only convenience and happiness but also troubles. On the one hand, some students use the Internet as a tool to study. They look up_.On the other hand, it sometimes gets in the way of students study._. The Internets advantages and disadvantages are shown clearly to us. I think we should make good use of it and stay away from some unhealthy things.五优秀范文 The Internet is now coming into our life. It brings us n
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