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-范文最新推荐- 年产1000吨阳离子交换树脂的生产工艺设计说明书 随着经济和科技的发展,城市、工厂迅速崛起,越来越多的环境问题萦绕在我们周围,城市空气污染,连续的雾霾天气仅仅只是开始。工业废水的排放量渐渐增大,工厂排水环节总有漏洞可寻,这些都导致了我们赖以生存的水资源受到了严重的污染。现在解决水污染的手段狠多,其中用的最广的是离子交换树脂,离子交换树脂不仅仅用于污水的处理,它还可以用来净化海水,让其变成淡水,虽然这项技术现在仍然处于研发中,但是我们都相信未来某一天,我们可以利用离子交换树脂工艺淡化海水,解决淡水资源短缺的问题。离子交换树脂是一种带有交换功能性的树脂,它可以利用离子交换功能吸附水中的重金属离子,同时可以利用特定的洗剂将吸附的金属离子交换出来,从而对重金属离子进行回收。5987离子交换树脂不仅用于废水的处理,还广泛用于医药行业的生物酶、维生素、抗生素的提取。本次设计的目的在于设计一条阳离子交换树脂的一体化生产线。通过查阅资料以及四年大学的学习,对阳离子交换树脂的生产工艺、生产技术、生产设备等进行了科学论证和设计。阳离子交换树脂的生产主要有两个部分组成,一个是阳离子交换树脂的骨架合成即白球合成,另一个是功能基团的引入即磺化。针对骨架合成,由于要制成颗粒均匀的小球状,本设计选用比较成熟的半连续悬浮聚合工艺。该工艺在控制分子量分布、控制分子量上有巨大的优势,并且该工艺传热均匀,不易发生应排热不及时导致的温度过高压力过大的锅炉爆炸事故,也不会出现暴聚现象而浪费原材料。 Now more ruthless means to solve water pollution , which is the most widely used ion exchange resin , ion exchange resin is not just for sewage treatment , it can be used to purify water, let it turn into freshwater , although this technology is now any course in research and development , but we all believe that someday , we can use the ion exchange resin technology desalination to solve the problem of shortage of freshwater resources .Ion exchange resin is a resin with exchange functional , it can function using ion exchange adsorption of heavy metal ions , and can take advantage of a specific metal ions adsorbed lotion swapped out , and thus the heavy metal ions for recycling.Ion exchange resins used not only for wastewater treatment , is also widely used in the pharmaceutical industry enzymes , vitamins, antibiotics extraction .The purpose of this design is the design of a cation exchange resin integrated production line.Through access to information as well as four years of university study , on the cation exchange resin production technology, production technology, production equipment, carried out scientific argumentation and design.Cation exchange resin production has two main parts, one is the skeleton of a cation exchange resin synthesis synthesis and white ball , the other is the introduction of functional groups that sulfonation . For skeleton synthesis, due to the small spherical particles uniformly made , the design uses a relatively mature semi-continuous suspension polymerization process . The process is in control of the molecular weight distribution , control the molecular weight has a huge advantage, and the process heat evenly , less prone to heat should not timely due to excessive pressure high temperature boiler explosion , it will not appear the phenomenon of violence poly waste of raw materials .The design on the cation exchange resin production equipment for the equipment selection and design of appropriate technical description of the device parameters involved in the design of the main production equipment: reactor, measuring tank , pump, heat exchanger tube , decanter centrifuges , tanks, spray dryer , vibrating screen and so on. Wherein the tubular reactor and heat exchanger is focused mainly on the design of the various components of the reactor structure and characteristics , and select the appropriate sulfonated suspension polymerization reactor . Secondly, tubular heat exchanger selected for the design, calculation of the tubular heat exchanger heat transfer area, the heat , the number of tubes and tube . Finalizing the amount of equipment required , and device models. 目录1 绪论11.1 本设计的任务11.2 离子交换树脂的分类及其特点11.2.1 概括11.2.2 离子交换树脂的分类21.2.3 离子交换树脂的功能21.2.3 离子交换树脂的结构31.2.4 离子交换树脂的性能41.2.5 离子交换树脂的应用61.3 阳离子交换树脂61.3.1 概括61.3.2 阳离子交换树脂的分类71.3.3 阳离子交换树脂的结构71.3.4 阳离子交换树脂的性能及应用71.3.5 阳离子交换树脂的应用81.4 聚苯乙烯系阳离子交换树脂81.4.1 概括81.4.2 聚苯乙烯系阳离子交换树脂的结构81.5 制备方法91.5.1 离子交换树脂合成方法92 生产方法122.1悬浮聚合概述122.1.1 悬浮聚合聚合的特点122.1.2 悬浮聚合的应用132.2 悬浮聚合原理132.2.1 聚合机理132.2.2 成粒机理142.3 悬浮聚合组成体系142.3.1 单体相152.3.2 水相162.5 悬浮聚合工艺162.5.1间歇式生产162.6 与悬浮聚合相关的聚合方法162.6.1氯乙烯悬浮聚合162.6.2 微悬浮聚合172.6.3 反向乳液聚合172.6.4 非水分散聚合17 5.7 换热设备605.7.1 换热器605.7.2 列管式换热器615.7.2 列管式换热器的选择625.7.3 列管式换热器传热面积的估算645.7.4 列管式换热器的工艺结构尺寸655.7.5 列管式换热器传热面积的校核及选取655.7.6 列管式换热器的选取665.8 设备数量676.1生产工作日及流水线的确定686.2原料物料衡算686.2.1损耗686.2.2原料计算686.2.3 每班配方计算696.3生产计划697热量衡算717.1热量衡算的基础717.2热量衡算的方法717.3苯乙烯聚合的热量衡算737.4磺化热量衡算748非工艺设计768.1生产车间人员表768.2安全防护措施768.2.1 火灾与爆炸768.2.2化工企业防火、防爆的技术措施:778.2.3 化学危险品贮存的基本要求788.2.4 贮存场所的要求799 车间布置809.1 设计依据809.2 车间设计819.2.1 车间组成819.2.2 厂房布置819.2.3 设备布置819.3 车间布置图82致谢83参考文献841 绪论1.1 本设计的任务项目:年产1000吨用于分离金属离子污染的离子交换树脂生产工艺 (1) 按照功能基团(活性基团)分类,可以分为含酸性基团的阳离子交换树脂和含碱性的阴离子交换树脂,螯合性离子交换树脂、光活性离子交换树脂等。阳离子交换树脂又分为强酸性离子交换树脂和弱酸性离子交换树脂,阴离子交换树脂分为强碱性离子交换树脂和弱碱性离子交换树脂(2) 按照骨架的物理结构类型分类,可以分为凝胶型树脂(微孔树脂)和大孔树脂
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